Another newbie - trance or sleep?

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Another newbie - trance or sleep?

Postby Dinonicus » January 5th, 2011, 2:38 am

Hello all!

I have been using some of the basic induction files to try and achieve trance. It has only been a few days. The last few times I have tried to go into trance, I've gotten several of the effects described in DKaiser's FAQ - everything from level 1-5, most especially the loss of equilibrium.

My problem is, shortly after that, one of two things almost always happens. Either I get a sudden, intense itch that won't go away, or I blank out and startle myself awake after just a short time. If I blank out, I usually jerk awake in the middle of the file, well before the awakener.

I'm not sure if either of these are bad signs or not, but I doubt either of them are intended. I'm kind of worried that when I blank out, I'm just falling asleep. I fall asleep easily anywhere, anytime, regardless of how tired I feel or how much sleep I've gotten.

So, to sum up - any pointers on focusing away itchy legs, or staying awake for someone who falls asleep very easily?

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Postby BabyTerra » January 7th, 2011, 8:15 am

Hi I've been trying hyponsis for the first time aswell. I'm not sure I've got the hang of it though. I've been trying to listen to the introduction files like people suggest for people starting out. I do feel more relaxed from them but I'm not sure i've i'm going into trance.
For example should I still be able to hear the words of the hypontist even after he's done the count down to put me into Trance? I've been concerned that because I can hear the words, really I'm still fully aware, the only thing is I feel my body relaxed and my eyes are closed.
Also another problem I've been experiencing is oddly sexual arousion? I think it probably comes from the antcipation of being hypontised but annoying it destracts me, I've been trying to just ignore it and I think i'm finding it easier to put out of my mind but then as I feel that area relax I get the urge to pee? Are these usual experiences to be having? Can anyone give me some tips which will help prepare my mind to accept going into trance?
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 7th, 2011, 6:21 pm


It sounds like you have a mental block to being hypnotised. This would most likely be a trust issue. One thing I'd suggest is listening to the files first without trying to trance or if they have a script, reading it through first. That way you will know exactly what is in there. Another thing is to choose a time when you will be most relaxed anyway, like when you've just woken up and still not quite out of sleep or just when going to bed and you are feeling dreamy. These are times when we are more naturally open to suggestion anyway.


What you've described sounds like trance to me. At least, it describes my trance states and the files are working on me :) You won't necessarily go to sleep, it's more like a really relaxed state, where you are giving all your focus to the voice. Imagine you are at a social gathering talking to someone, focusing on the interesting conversation and then suddenly become aware someone has been calling your name for 5 minutes - it's more like that. The more you do it, the more easily you will recognise trance state.

One thing I'd suggest is going to the toilet before you listen to files and have a glass of water with you. I find, I often come out of trance very thirsty. As for hearing the word the hypnotist says, yes you are supposed to hear them - or not hear them, it just depends on how deeply under you go. I find the more I listen to a particular file, the more easy it becomes to 'tune out' of the file (because I know what it says) and to just let it get on with the programming.

Lastly, I just want to say to both of you, When new to hypnosis it can be scary because it's the unknown, but actually none of these files will work if you don't want them to. A suggestion that goes against the very essence of your being won't take, you will most likely snap out of the trance. Files will only take if there is a part of you that really wants them to work. Sort of an aid in getting beyond your own fears, that's all. If it makes it easier, I suggest going to the hypno-files site (look at nav bar on left) and trying out some of the tame files first, far less scary :)
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Postby JadynMC » January 7th, 2011, 6:33 pm

Yes you both are doing the right thing... I don't know how many threads there are of people trying hypnosis for the first time with the symptoms of:

falling asleep, muscle twitch/spasm, an itch, becoming aroused/excited, still hearing the voice and so on...

I think that it is just that you are not used to having a time of stillness/ meditation. It's ok if you black out and its ok if you become aroused... and its still even ok if you can hear the voice after the count.

I always suggest that if you can "blur/unfocus" you eyes on the screen so that all you see are the main colors and you can tell what are words and such... then I would suggest to try to do that with your ears while listening... becoming focused while being unfocused..

Its like watching a good movie, you get so caught up in it and you allow the emotions to fill you... because you are so intently focused on what is going to happen and an atmosphere has been built.

That is what trance is a calm peaceful atmosphere... like when you first wake up in the morning that groggy haze of sleep and just wrap the blanket tight around you and roll back over and drift back to sleep.

That is the feeling of trance.

So when there is an itch, you think that there is no itch and it causes you to begin to focus more intently on the voice... just as when you become aroused you just tell yourself that it causes you to focus more intently on the words..

Trance is a trained response... did you learn how to write or read overnight..

Again you are both doing good so just keep it up and if I may I would recommend my file "dldrip009"it is a very easy listen.
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 7th, 2011, 7:41 pm

dldrip wrote:Yes you both are doing the right thing... I don't know how many threads there are of people trying hypnosis for the first time with the symptoms of:

falling asleep, muscle twitch/spasm, an itch, becoming aroused/excited, still hearing the voice and so on...

I think that it is just that you are not used to having a time of stillness/ meditation.

I think that is a really good point, dldrip. Most people today don't know how to be still, to just be calm and not have to be active all the time.
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Postby Dinonicus » January 7th, 2011, 10:48 pm

dldrip wrote:Again you are both doing good so just keep it up and if I may I would recommend my file "dldrip009"it is a very easy listen.

Already have this one, and so far, it's my favorite induction to use! Thank you so much for posting it!

I never thought meditation would be much of an issue for me. I've been practicing for a little over a decade, and can clear my head for short periods easily. I think my brain just hasn't gotten that it's what I want now, too, in these slightly different settings. Perhaps more practice!

Also, this isn't the first time it's been suggested that I'm doing something to block hypnosis due to some sort of trust issue. That's part of the reason I want to do this so badly! If I can break through this trust issue, it'll mean that I can also break through any others I may come across in the future!

Thanks everyone for your help so far! I'm sure I'll be bugging you again in the future.
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Postby BabyTerra » January 8th, 2011, 12:19 am

Thanks for the advice!
I have another question though lol a silly one, how loud should a file be played?
oh also the meditation thing is interesting, i've been trying to do the files with my eyes closed, is it likely to be more effective if i keep them open but let my sight go lazy like you suggested?
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Postby JadynMC » January 8th, 2011, 12:43 am

Everyone is different.. so you just try everything and see what happens.. I've listened to hypnosis while playing video games.. while watching movies.. while reading books.. while surfing the net... while laying on my bed... while laying on the floor... while listening to music...

the hypnosis should be at a volume where you can hear it, or like when I listen to it behind music I can hear a word every once in a while.. but most of my music is techno Xp

It could just be a placebo effect though also so that if you can't hear the words of the file but know which file it is... your mind might just replay the file from your memory to fill in what it doesn't hear..

again everyone is different just keep doing it and sooner or later something will happen.. oh ya and breaks are good to like listen for a few days and then take a day or two off.
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