I have been waning this file to work for the past few years now. I have yet to see anything happen to me so far. I turn it on before I go to bed almost every day for the past year or so. I did stop for a while to hear a few other files which I know so far have been working very well. Well the ones I have to trig myself. I have not done any of the other one that someone else has too.
The only thing I can thing might be wrong is that I heard to ways in it to set the trig word to make it work. maybe I am saying the wrong thing when I do it. Does anyone have a few tips on what helped them to get it to work. It would mean a lot to get this file to work. does not matter what it is anything at all to see if it will help to get it to work. I thought a few times I seen my breasts grow but in a few mins just nothing at all.