I am a "Horny Cock"... Trigger words... How does t

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I am a "Horny Cock"... Trigger words... How does t

Postby realdog2 » July 29th, 2011, 3:58 pm

New Member here, first time post. I have selected a couple of files to begin using frequently... I find this one especially arousing ...

Chastity to Wife V3 with Binaurals

This file has more than one trigger phrases or words...
one trigger is "Horny Cock" I've listened to this file completely thru for 3 days... the reason I find it so intensely arousing is that I have recently ordered a custom fit stainless steel chastity device for my cock... with the idea of keeping it in chastity for 2 or 3 weeks at a time to begin with. I have this idea that when released and allowed to masturbate or have sex, the sensation should be unbelievably fantastic! I'm single right now... I'm in my late 50's, have had a lifetime of sexual experiences in and out of relationships... but I've never done this until now. I anticipate, that I should to begin with be able to find a surrogate key holder who will release me every few weeks for inspection and hopefully a good cum!

So until my custom made chastity device is received I will be using certain files to entertain my "horny cock" hahahaha

Reason for this post is in reference to file name:
Chastity to Wife V3 with Binaurals - I pasted the permanent link above

The file is 33:16 mins long. at 10:40 mins you find the phrase

"from now on when I say the words "Horny Cock" you will immediately feel this incredible - ? - (blank) in your cock.

Sounds like the word "blank" but I can't quite grasp it though I've repeated listening to this several times...

If anyone would take a couple of minutes to listen to this for me and report back your findings... I'd appreciate it immensely!

Thanks for your help... this morning when I woke, my first conscious thought was "I am a horny cock" hahahaha and it's true I really am and this file is making me even more so... I love it! What is a Horny Cock suppose to feel like?
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Joined: July 25th, 2011, 12:00 am

Re: I am a "Horny Cock"... Trigger words... How do

Postby qv » August 20th, 2011, 4:03 pm

realdog2 wrote:New Member here, first time post. I have selected a couple of files to begin using frequently... I find this one especially arousing ...

Chastity to Wife V3 with Binaurals

This file has more than one trigger phrases or words...
one trigger is "(H**** C***)" I've listened to this file completely thru for 3 days... the reason I find it so intensely arousing is that I have recently ordered a custom fit stainless steel chastity device for my cock... with the idea of keeping it in chastity for 2 or 3 weeks at a time to begin with. I have this idea that when released and allowed to masturbate or have sex, the sensation should be unbelievably fantastic! I'm single right now... I'm in my late 50's, have had a lifetime of sexual experiences in and out of relationships... but I've never done this until now. I anticipate, that I should to begin with be able to find a surrogate key holder who will release me every few weeks for inspection and hopefully a good cum!

So until my custom made chastity device is received I will be using certain files to entertain my "(vertically-inclined penis)" hahahaha

Reason for this post is in reference to file name:
Chastity to Wife V3 with Binaurals - I pasted the permanent link above

The file is 33:16 mins long. at 10:40 mins you find the phrase

"from now on when I say the words "(trigger omitted)" you will immediately feel this incredible - ? - (blank) in your cock.

Sounds like the word "blank" but I can't quite grasp it though I've repeated listening to this several times...

If anyone would take a couple of minutes to listen to this for me and report back your findings... I'd appreciate it immensely!

Thanks for your help... this morning when I woke, my first conscious thought was "I am a(n) (aroused sexual organ)" hahahaha and it's true I really am and this file is making me even more so... I love it! What is an (antlered chicken) suppose to feel like?

I'd suggest censoring the trigger...
Posting it directly is considered poor manners, as it may trigger others.
As for your questions, I have nothing worth saying, as I haven't used this file and don't intend to.
Here's to the hope that someone might answer you... *toasts with bottle of LSD*
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Joined: March 5th, 2011, 1:00 am

Re: I am a "Horny Cock"... Trigger words... How do

Postby Fruitcake163 » August 20th, 2011, 4:40 pm

realdog2 wrote:The file is 33:16 mins long. at 10:40 mins you find the phrase

"from now on when I say the words "H***** C***" you will immediately feel this incredible - ? - (blank) in your cock.

Sounds like the word "blank" but I can't quite grasp it though I've repeated listening to this several times...


Hello, first post on here from me. I had a quick listen and it sounds to me like "Incredible ache in your cock"

Cheers :)
Posts: 1
Joined: July 26th, 2011, 12:00 am

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