by isadora » July 19th, 2005, 1:07 pm
Subliminal files I'm kind of iffy on. I did some research in my old psychology text books and studies have shown that they have no impact on either improving memory or weight loss. They had two groups of people, those that really did listen to the files and those that just thought they were listening to subliminal files, but were not told what was on those files (whether it was weight loss, or relaxation, or memory improvement) and performed tests throughtout the test period.
They found that there was no real difference between those that were on the 'blank' tape than from those that had listened to the true subliminal files.
But it's also a matter of motivation, I suppose. If you are truly motivated and feel that these files will work for you, it's just a form of reinforcement in the end.
I tried listening to the hypnosis files while i slept, all it did was make me grumpy because i had problems achieving the level of sleep that i'm accustomed to.