need urgent help with files

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need urgent help with files

Postby eazye1984 » August 27th, 2011, 4:21 pm

hi guys and girls

i have over 60gb of hypno files paid alot and nothing seems to work. i cant fall into trance no matter what i do.

i have tried counting to 100 during sessions
i have tried heavy breathing
i have tried alcohol
i have tried weed
i have tried ativan
i have tried spirals while listening to inductions
i have tried files with fractionation
i have tried to relax
i have tried to fall asleep during files
i have tried letting my mind wander

now does anyone have any tricks for falling into trance, or trance aids or something that will work with someone that has yet to fall into trance.

ps sometimes i get disoriantated and buzz all over but the suggestions dont work in that state, and a few times my heart started to race really fast but the suggestions didnt work.

please help me i have spent over 1000 dollars on hyno files.

or perhaps recommend a file that is good at getting someone into a trance
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Postby eazye1984 » August 27th, 2011, 4:23 pm


right now im trying jamisons sleep and relax pills. im waiting for the effects of the pills to kick in before i try a file. ill let you know how it goes as the pills have natural sedatives and the medication is designed to cure insomnia
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Postby cpufreak7 » August 27th, 2011, 5:30 pm

Desperately trying to get hypnotized won't be beneficial. I think you should think of doing online/real life hypnosis first, before you try the files. Some people find it easier to listen, follow and respond to a hypnotist, rather then a recorded voice.

Everyone can be hypnotized, however, some people can let go easier than others.
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Postby eazye1984 » August 27th, 2011, 5:55 pm

i thought about going to a local hypnotist and asking him to put me into a deep trance and giving me a trigger word to get back into trance, then using the trigger word before playing a file.

do you think that would work. and how effective is a live hypnotist vs a recording
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Postby mistermano » August 27th, 2011, 9:12 pm

One thing i'm definitly wondering is how close to a trance you've ever gotten first.
I mean, think back about all the times you've tried. Have you remained fully conscious during all of them? Have you slept during at least one?

And if my advice is worth hearing, alcohol and drugs (legal or not) aren't the things that'll help you get into trance, so stay away from them when you want to try and enter a trance.
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Postby Jeshi » August 28th, 2011, 12:39 am

You definitely seem to be looking at this from the wrong approach. No drugs, pills, alcohol, or anything else is going to help you get into trance besides relaxing on your own and following along with the hypnotist.

Sometimes you have to understand is that being hypnotized isn't something that's done to you. Hypnosis is a technique used in psychology.

It is used to convince people of things they normally wouldn't do, and to make them more responsive to conditioning. You don't need hypnosis to bark like a dog every time someone says "speak." You could do that on your own, but why would you? Hypnosis can be used to convince someone to do it, and to help them remember to do it as well.

Triggers don't just "work" passively. When they work, you hear and them go "Oh! That word! I know! I'll do this!" and it makes sense to you. You're still actively following the trigger, hypnosis just convinced you that it's a good, reasonable thing to do.

There are lots of basic basic files by hypnotists, that are free, for helping people go into trance for the first time. Ocntrl has a very good file for it.

All you have to do is sit back(or lay down) and follow the hypnotist's words. That's it. Doing anything else that the hypnotist hasn't told you to do will just distract from it. Just listen to their words, calm down, and do what they say.

Eventually you'll fall into trance. Being in trance doesn't feel that different. You probably actually have gone into trance but just didn't realize it. It isn't some amazing thing. It just feels like being relaxed really. What's more important is that when you're in trance, you don't think about the hypnotist's words critically. This isn't something you ever notice you're doing or not doing. Trying to notice when you're in trance will probably make things more difficult.

If you must know when you've gone into trance, then the best method would be that after the file is about halfway through, try to move your hands or open your eyes. If you're really deep into trance, it will be difficult. It might feel like you've forgotten what you have to do to move them. The main point is, if it doesn't immediately happen, stop trying. You're in trance and you should just let go.

Don't worry about letting your mind wander, don't try to do anything. Just let yourself follow the hypnotist's instructions and it will happen on its own.
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Postby kitsukat » August 28th, 2011, 5:04 pm

Don't force it. The best way to go is to find some place comfortable and free of distractions. Settle down and just listen to the file. Don't try to trance. Instead, just focus on following the hypnotist's instructions. Just remember to go with the flow.

The thing about hypnosis is that it can't make you do anything. Rather, it suggests that you try something and you make the decision to do it on your own.

Also, don't go into a session thinking you can't be hypnotized. It won't work. You have to keep an attitude of "I like what's being done, and I'm positive it will work."
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Postby eazye1984 » August 29th, 2011, 12:58 pm

well yesterday i tried curse excstasy and i felt a mild buzz and pleasure but nothing like what was suggested. i suppose its a start.

all i did was listen as carefullt as i could and i got some results. any tips besides just listening :oops:
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Postby Jeshi » August 29th, 2011, 9:15 pm

eazye1984 wrote:well yesterday i tried curse excstasy and i felt a mild buzz and pleasure but nothing like what was suggested. i suppose its a start.

all i did was listen as carefullt as i could and i got some results. any tips besides just listening :oops:

Our tips are to do nothing but listening. Don't expect things to happen on their own. Hypnosis isn't speaking to your biology it's speaking to you when you're not thinking critically. Everything that hypnosis is does is still things that you're doing yourself. If you felt a buzz and pleasure then it worked, things take repeated listening or just more experience with trancing to get phenomenal effects.

Also, trying to achieve ecstasy is a bit difficult. Try some easier files, like basic trance files for getting used to trance.
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Re: need urgent help with files

Postby bandler » August 29th, 2011, 10:10 pm

eazye1984 wrote:hi guys and girls

i have over 60gb of hypno files paid alot and nothing seems to work. i cant fall into trance no matter what i do.

i have tried...

please help me i have spent over 1000 dollars on hyno files.

or perhaps recommend a file that is good at getting someone into a trance

The suggestion that you go to a real live hypnotist is a good one.

Since you have not taken that advice...

There are several files here on WMM that get rave reviews and have measurable effects.

I am talking about Little Miss Squidgy, of course.

IF you seriously can't go into trance, MsJ's files will have no effect on you.

IF you really want to know what it is like to go into trance, listen to MsJ's free files. They are excellent, and will prove to you that you can go into trance, without even realizing it.

If you again refuse to even attempt trance with sure-fire files, you might recognize in yourself a tendency to RESIST.

Resistance is essentially FEAR.

What are you afraid of?
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Postby qv » August 29th, 2011, 11:25 pm

I'd hardly call Little Miss Squidgy "sure-fire". Or any files really. That's the thing; I'd just as soon suggest a basic hypnotic induction and deepener. Doing so doesn't exactly give "measurable effects" in quite the same way, but ideally... just imagine your future self slowly realizing as you just relax and let the words flow over you, just totally blank, able to think only about how relaxed you are, you feel just how much more relaxed you are this time, how much harder it is to think and to worry... and realize that this future you've seen will happen sooner than you think.
So next time you listen to a hypnosis file, just focus on how relaxed you are. Think about it.

Of course, a live hypnotist is definitely the best option.
I just want to say, though, that while Little Miss Squidgy is potent, the goal (and method itself, really) isn't trance. And this guy requested help with trance.
I don't mean to start a flamewar, all I'm saying is I personally think if you have trouble with trance, a regular habit of induction files with varying approaches is the best all-around plan I can suggest for tackling this issue. Try around, not all inductions are the same, and don't bother with post-hypnotic suggestions just yet. Just focus on the relaxation; from there, all else follows.

EDIT: By the way, resistance does not necessarily mean fear. Certainly teenagers are an example. Or anarchists. Or peaceful protests.
...Eh, this is just obsessive-compulsive semantics, disregard it...
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Postby eazye1984 » September 2nd, 2011, 7:51 pm

the human mind i so complex.

im suprised no one has any tricks for trancing. anyone? 8O
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Postby qv » September 2nd, 2011, 8:38 pm

Well, the thing is that trance means different things to different people.
Next time you're really into a good TV show or book or movie or daydream, take a moment to check up on yourself, see how you're feeling. Whatever it feels like, that's probably what trance is to you.
The thing is, it's hard to tell when you don't know what you're looking for... so until you figure out what improvement looks like, everything'll seem about the same.
Hopefully that all your problem really is; some people just don't seem to connect the dots.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 2nd, 2011, 10:28 pm

im going to try night nght induction, followed bt night night trigger followed bt emgs deepener followed by trigblowjob. ill keep you posted on exatly waht happens then we can go from there.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 2nd, 2011, 11:35 pm

well i felt very relaxed. during the trigger part i wa half asleep falling in and out of consciousness is that trance? when i said the trigger word out loud i did not feel a blowjob or even get an erection?

if i were to fall into trance would the trigger have to work?

if i were to listen to the file on loop while i sleep would it help?

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Postby qv » September 2nd, 2011, 11:52 pm

Well yes, what you describe sounds about right for trance. Again, I would focus on that feeling and use various inductions and deepeners to work on that. Again, triggers take work, and I would just as soon focus on deepening trance before getting to that step. Besides which tactile stimulation seems difficult for most people, even if sexual pleasure isn't, so if you're going to do a trigger anyways it might as well be something simpler... preferably all mental as opposed to a mix of mental and physical.
Though I probably should include a disclaimer that this is just my opinion, and that in any case I still maintain a live hypnotist would be better, since instead of just you responding to them, they can also respond to your response, and make changes accordingly. Even live text chat just isn't descriptive enough for that, you should use webcam at least.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 3rd, 2011, 12:22 am

ok im pretty sure im falling into trance even though the triggers are not working. the best that happens is i visualize a blow job for a minute or so.

what can i experience then?

what file with link will help me reach deeper levels of trance or the ability to accept triggers.

long story short what good is hypnosis if triggers dont ork in trance?
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Postby qv » September 3rd, 2011, 12:42 am

eazye1984 wrote:ok im pretty sure im falling into trance even though the triggers are not working. the best that happens is i visualize a blow job for a minute or so.

what can i experience then?

what file with link will help me reach deeper levels of trance or the ability to accept triggers.

long story short what good is hypnosis if triggers dont ork in trance?

Erm, because some triggers will work, some won't. Hypnosis is sort of a skill, one that takes practice even for so-called 'naturals'. Practice going into trance, deepening the trance, and so on, because that's the first step to achieving your goal. And if you want triggers that do work, again, stick to the simpler stuff, standbys like amnesia or catalepsy, and get them to work so that you can work your way up. Remember to listen regularly to practice getting into the mindset required to achieve the results of a file, whatever the file may be.
Again, be patient and work your way up to things like disembodied dick-suckers, because it's fairly rare to start with such high expectations. Though a live hypnotist may improve the odds significantly enough to be worth consideration.
Tl;dr: Practice trance, get laid
Btw: for files, look in Files: Categories: Inductions. There's plenty worth trying.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 4th, 2011, 12:25 pm

i think im falling into trance quite easily but still no luck with triggers. how do you practice hypnosis?

is their any mind tricks for falling deeper? there must be at least 1 :twisted:
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Postby qv » September 4th, 2011, 12:43 pm

eazye1984 wrote:i think im falling into trance quite easily but still no luck with triggers. how do you practice hypnosis?

is their any mind tricks for falling deeper? there must be at least 1 :twisted:

Well, I certainly can't think of anything quite as devious as your smiley would indicate... really the key is to be somewhere you can really relax easily and legitimately ignore any and all distractions. I have a dog, and sometimes he makes things difficult... as does the highway.
You might try simply chaining together several inductions, or I dunno, maybe deepeners would help? You know, maybe? :roll:
Good to hear how much your perception has changed from the beginning of this thread... you used to think you couldn't trance at all, and now look at you! I'm so proud. :D
How I practice is just by doing it. I listen to files or just try some self-hypnosis... or if I get an email slave file, that's great too.
The key is trance, the better you get at that, the better hypnosis itself will work for you.
Also, how have induction triggers worked? Triggers to induce trance? Working with those is incredibly helpful too.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 5th, 2011, 9:02 am

im never sure if induction triggers work. but yesterday i listened to 5min oggasm blowjob torture by samba and im almost 100 percent sure i was in trance. the trigger to be paralysed worked until i decided to end session. my heart started racing which is a sign of deep trance.

but once again, i did not feel a blowjob, but this time i got an erection.

so some progress.

trancing is hard work lol. tried so many times.
and do you have any ideas as to what i should be feeling with blowjob files. should i feel a blowjob or should i be imagining one? :idea:
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Postby eazye1984 » September 7th, 2011, 11:38 am

well i did it finally 8)

i made a custom file using an induction that works best with me, and added another file that excites me.

i felt tired, i felt dreamy, i felt as though i could imagine things better.

I felt a freaking handjob for real. it lasted like 10 min. my dick has never been that hard or throbbed so much in my life. i didnt come at the climax parts but it felt great to finally feel something and know for sure that i was under hypnosis.

for others struggling i can help a bit/

just hyper focus on the words being said and wait and expect nothing to happen. just feel your body become more relaxed as you hyper focus on the words. then enjoy lol.. hypnosis is one of the coolest things ive come across in this life. it prob can feel better than actual sex
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Postby qv » September 7th, 2011, 4:04 pm

Glad I apparently may have helped. 8)
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Postby ocntrl » September 8th, 2011, 3:04 am

Very nice to hear you got it working.

So what do we learn from this:

- practice makes perfect
- put in the effort to paste those parts of simple files you like best and are close to something you will accept easily together (Audacity is a free tool to do that)
- eliminate any expectation so that whatever happens is a success

To a job well done eazye1984... now off to the fun stuff! (may I recommend my first bondage file 8) [url][/url])

P.S. And yes, it can be better than sex... except maybe for sex with hypnosis :-)
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Postby eazye1984 » September 10th, 2011, 6:22 pm

:roll: cant get it to work again. must have tried 20 times :roll:

at least i was lucky enough to get it to wor once.

i wonder what im doing wrong
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Postby qv » September 10th, 2011, 6:22 pm

eazye1984 wrote::roll: cant get it to work again. must have tried 20 times :roll:

at least i was lucky enough to get it to wor once.

i wonder what im doing wrong

Trying too hard?
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Postby Jeshi » September 11th, 2011, 1:08 am

qv wrote:
eazye1984 wrote::roll: cant get it to work again. must have tried 20 times :roll:

at least i was lucky enough to get it to wor once.

i wonder what im doing wrong

Trying too hard?

This sounds like what it is.
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Postby eazye1984 » September 11th, 2011, 1:31 pm

im using this file

let me know i it works for you guys.

half way through i completely blanked out
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Postby ocntrl » September 11th, 2011, 1:37 pm

Is blanking out halfway through not good?
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Postby qv » September 11th, 2011, 2:31 pm

ocntrl wrote:Is blanking out halfway through not good?

Oh, well I suppose it wouldn't be if he's trying to feel it in trance.
Kinda misses the point in that case.
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Postby cars611 » October 31st, 2011, 9:37 pm

i need help some files i hav used did not work im starting to get skeptical some body please help me im a transgender wanting to be a woman 100%
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