is this safe? please read.

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is this safe? please read.

Postby bizzy » July 23rd, 2005, 10:12 pm

ok this past year has been VERY hard for me, with the lost of family members & financial related problems.

is there anything here that can help me get through this rough time?
its been awhile and its seems as if my life is going downhill.

i've been so stressed out and i am also losing alot of weight, and always tend to worry too much about my current situation.

i've tried many things [therapist to name one], but Never hypnosis. to be honest i am a little afraid. is it possible to get stuck in a state of hypnosis, and not return to my usual self?

since my wife past away, it seems like i cannot talk to any women..its like
i dont have anything, or dont know what to say.

things i want to accomplish:

1. feel more confident about myself
2. gain weight & get healthy..i've lost so much weight this past year.
3. to get a good nights rest. i cant seem to fall asleep when i want. im usually up to atleast 4-5 am everyday. i miss my old sleeping cycle. it was normal before all the negative things happened.
4. just to be able to have a conversation w/the opposite sex w/out feeling guilty.

thank you very much, all suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Posts: 8
Joined: July 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby gregi696 » July 23rd, 2005, 10:36 pm

Well, to adress your you can't get stuck in a state of hypnosis. I don't believe there are any files on here that cover what you are looking for. However, look through all the fiels, the Self Help section is a good place to start. If you don't see what you are looking for, contact EMG. He does custom files for a fee of $50. Also, consider searching the web some. The types of hypnosis you are looking for are more commonly found on sites with self-hypnosis. This site tends to cater to a slightly more kinky crowd. :twisted:
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Postby sandy82 » July 23rd, 2005, 11:56 pm

bizzy, I noticed you a while ago when we were the only two people on the website. I wish I had known what your message was going to contain.

You need to talk face-to-face with professionals. A psychiatrist; your regular doctor; and, if you belong to a church, a priest or minister. Surely, you have some family: a child, a sibling, a first cousin. Talk to them. An old friend from school. A former colleague at work. Talk to them. Be as honest as you can comfortably be with laymen. Be very honest with medical professionals and any qualified clergyman.

It would be irresponsible of me to recommend that you rely on self-hypnosis at a time like this in your life. Read many of the posts here, in which people wonder about their progress. I think they're making progress, and I think the files are sound. But the files will not address serious problems in a short period of time.

If you have lost your wife and you also have had financial problems, you need additional face-to-face intervention at the earliest opportunity. My advice as a layman, for what it's worth, is that you tackle the general health, sleep, and self-esteem problems first. For the time being, forget about making wise or witty conversation with women. When you get the other problems sorted out, that ability will return naturally.

See professionals with advanced degrees and years of experience. Don't rely on the Internet, Health Food Stores, or other supposed quick fixes. Your life is worth more than that. Put your life first, and everything else will gradually fall into place.

I'm giving you the best advice I possibly can. I would hate to think that frivolous comments from anyone might lead to your having additional problems.

Under the circumstances, I think you've held up remarkably well. Now it's time to do even better. Don't be shy about accepting a helping hand from people who are educated and equipped to help.

I have not met a single person at this site, including me, who has the proper education and experience to intervene in your situation.

If you don't have health insurance and if you can't afford the type of assistance you need, look for the nearest state or county mental health clinic. This is not a time to have false pride. It's a time to put yourself first and get everything back in order.

You can do it. Make the right choices. Give yourself a chance. You're worth it.
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Postby bizzy » July 24th, 2005, 3:41 am

wow i can honestly say that i wasn't expecting this type of support. i thought i would get mostly Rude comments.

i have tried to talk to many different types of people, but it really didnt help. i also do not have the $$$ to keep seeing professionals.

most have said that its a normal "Grieving Period", but it does not seem normal to me. sometimes i feel like i cant get any lower, that im at the bottom of the pit.

i do have a child, but he is young, and i really dont want to stress him/weird him out about whats going on.

thats comment i made about talking to women...let me rephrase that.
this is what i meant. even when im around good friends, its like i dont have anything to say. i cant even carry a conversation as well as i used to.

i know this sounds stupid, but some ppl beleive in fate and others dont. im the type that does not believe in fate, but then jsut today the mailman came [ hes been delivering to me for years, and is a genuinely nice guy]
and he was like, "MAN you wont belive it, i came across a website that has helped me do things i never thought was possible". that website is
WARPMYMIND. he was a hardcore smoker for 13 years, and he said he quit in 3 days...he also has tried many "QUIT SMOKING" type programs.

so after hearing about it, i decided to come here, and see if there is anyting i can do.

i seriously want to thank you for reading, and actually giving an honest sincere opinion.
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Joined: July 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby isadora » July 24th, 2005, 7:41 am

bizzy i went through a rough patch myself. what you have to do it talk to your regular family doctor.

i realize this-sort-of-thing isn't normally free if you're American, and i being a Canadian can't really understand the concept.

anywaysee your family doctor and tell him/her your problems. they can usually recommend a psychiatrist that can help you, and sometimes they can even see if you can do it for free, etc. i'm not too sure.

there are also personal support groups, both in real life and in the cyber world, that you can look into. and most of these do not cost anything. i know that because being a poor student who has to balance work and full time studies i can understand the lack of money, and also inability to take time off.

you need to do some research into finding out what options are available to you.

as far as sleep goes? You can reset your Circadians. Just don't go to sleep for a whole day, pick a day that you have very little planned.

Then once your old sleep time comes around you'll be exhausted and able to go to bed. Maybe even go to bed an hour or so later.

You'll sleep in that day for a little, but that's fine, sleep in for an hour or two if you want, and you should be able to get your regular sleeping patterns back, eventually.
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Postby bizzy » July 24th, 2005, 10:19 am

isadora thanks for the advice.

i did talk to my family doctor once, but it was very unpleasant. he sent me to talk to a therapist, and the therapist kept that i was feeling a certain way, when i wasnt...i dunno its kinda hard to explain.
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Joined: July 23rd, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby sandy82 » July 24th, 2005, 11:35 am

bizzy, I can understand that you may disagree with the therapist's analysis/comments. Keep in mind that the therapist may have seen several hundred patients who exhibited the same symptoms that you do. The therapist may know from his education and his experience that, deep down, the feelings you recognize can be somewhat...or remarkably .... different from what is causing those feelings. I am not saying that the therapist is always right, but I stress that you should give great weight to what he says, even if you may not currently agree with him.

At this stage, you need to revisit your family doctor. Explore options with him. Ask about a county/state mental health clinic. Ask about the possibility of pro bono counseling from a therapist. Ask about Medicaid. Ask the doctor what additional steps you should take. ONLY if he recommends it should you even consider group support chats on the Internet.

There's a very important reason why. You talked to your family doctor once, and he sent you to a therapist. That means your family doctor thought you needed to see a fully licensed, educated, and experienced therapist. Under the circumstances I find it highly unlikely that he would recommend your taking advice from unknown people in a group support chat on the Internet.

You want to see the doctor faint? Tell him you took medical advice from the postman.

Don't take advice from people who know less than you do. Don't consider my message to be substantive advice. I'm advising you to see a doctor.

I repeat again. I know of nobody on this website who has the medical qualifications to give you sound advice on anything. What "they" did is not necessarily relevant to your situation. "They" don't have the training or the education to conclude that your condition is similar to theirs. Therefore, repeating "their" choices may be exactly the wrong thing for you to do.

For your own good, please see your doctor.

Isadora is a very nice, thoughtful, and caring person. I doubt that she wants to accept legal and financial responsibility for your present condition or for any consequent developments. I am sure, therefore, that she meant none of her well-intentioned comments on group support and sleep rhythms as long-distance advice on your condition, especially when she has no first-hand knowledge of your situation.

I share her suggestion that you see your doctor.

bizzy wrote:

i did talk to my family doctor once, but it was very unpleasant. he sent me to talk to a therapist, and the therapist kept that i was feeling a certain way, when i wasnt...i dunno its kinda hard to explain.
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Postby loony28 » July 24th, 2005, 5:13 pm

:twisted: I agree that you should seek professional help. I think that a support group is a good idea. The idea of a support group is that other people going through the same thing can support each other, that you're not alone. They do not give medical advice, they just talk. I believe that many psychologists advise people to join a support group. Let's face it, a professional can listen to you and help you just so much, they do have other patients and their time is limited. They may or may not have gone through the same thing. People in a support group have gone through the same thing and understand what you are going through. So seek professional help and a good support group. :twisted:
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Postby swordfish » July 28th, 2005, 7:04 pm

Hey Bizzy,
my advice would be to start at the basics , when you get up eat a healthy breakfast small portions of various fruits, some cereal and maybe a hand full or so of sunflower seeds or walnuts.
and follow the sam patterns through lunch and dinner , stay away from refined sugars, corn sryup, and bleached flours if you must use sugar use sugar in the raw,
secondly start an exercise program even if it is a walk though a peaceful place , doing some push ups and sit ups , taking yoga classes, ( even using yoga tapes can be very benefical)
or an exercise show on tv ,
try to take some time for yourself during the day a hot shower or a long hot bath
and before bed try chamomile tea, mixed with valarine root and st johns wart ( skip the st johns wart if you are on any anxiety meds)

i would forget about hypnosis for now and practice meditation,
stabilize you head before you mess with it

hope that helps , best of luck
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Postby asdf » July 29th, 2005, 5:21 pm

1. feel more confident about myself

Read, learn, and understand. Wisdom is more pleasurable and rewarding than any amount of money or any physical adornment.

Books have gained me confidence and helped me deal with many troubling issues.

2. gain weight & get healthy..i've lost so much weight this past year.

Weight gain is a gradual process. At most you will gain a few pounds every month.

Eat six HEALTHY meals every day, and eventually you will gain weight. Snack on healthy fruits like apricots and apples. Raisins are good for weight gain. Fructose is a good alternative to sucrose, and it will help you gain weight.

3. to get a good nights rest. i cant seem to fall asleep when i want. im usually up to atleast 4-5 am everyday. i miss my old sleeping cycle. it was normal before all the negative things happened.

Try Kava tea. It's a mildly psychoactive plant originating in the South Pacific. One or two cups put me to sleep.

Look into a sleep hormone called melatonin. Although I wouldn't recommend this for long-term use, it could help on those sleepless nights.

4. just to be able to have a conversation w/the opposite sex w/out feeling guilty.

Practice is the best therapy.
Posts: 42
Joined: May 2nd, 2005, 12:00 am

Re: is this safe? please read.

Postby GrimIronMan » August 1st, 2005, 2:04 am

bizzy wrote:
things i want to accomplish:

1. feel more confident about myself
2. gain weight & get healthy..i've lost so much weight this past year.
3. to get a good nights rest. i cant seem to fall asleep when i want. im usually up to atleast 4-5 am everyday. i miss my old sleeping cycle. it was normal before all the negative things happened.
4. just to be able to have a conversation w/the opposite sex w/out feeling guilty.

Here are my suggestions, if you seriously want to go with hypnosis.

1.WeightTraining will probably work the best here, but, if your into confidence, you can't go wrong with PenisGrowth :D

2.WeightTraining sounds the best here.

3.Try listening to WeightTraining at night. If not. go with Kava Tea :wink:

4.This may sound weird, but try BEING a female. Go with FemaleDreams.
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