is the problem my expectations?

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is the problem my expectations?

Postby eazye1984 » December 10th, 2011, 2:17 am

hi guys.

I made a thread complaining about how i couldnt be hypnotized. and now lol i get hypnotized everytime with ease. im enjoying the relaxation alot.

hypnosis is cool as heck

i was wondering if its my expectations of hypnosis that is making me feel the files are not working.

i play a file on my smart phone with headhones i relax and i go into a trance depth level 4-6 i feel paralysed. i however have a hard time with suggestions. they will tell mee to feel something ut all i end up doing is imagining it to the best of my ability. they tell me for instance when i say blowjobtime out loud i will feel a blowjob. what happens when i say it is my mind focuses on my penis then i get a boner that comes and goes within seconds then nothing. nothing happens. why would emg make a file that suggests you will feel a blowjob when it doesnt work for people that go into deep trances.

why dont suggestions work very well for me?

i was playing a file called hypnotic O and the file suggested id feel a wave of erotic bliss and that worked. i sure felt it. then she said id feel someone touching me and i felt nothing. so i know i was in a trance state that allowed suggestion to work but the part where it suggested id feel something simply did not work?

how come when i google hypnosis i see a ton of videos of people getting hypnotizzed and it looks like they can feel certain things without thinking. as if it were really happening. yet when i use an mp3 all i get is slight arousal from time to time. relaxation..and tingles.. but nothing more

also what state is it when the world disapears and you zone out the track is forgotten and you sorta snap out of it realizing that you dont remember a damn word when you were zoned out.

so is it posible for everyone to feel while under. or is it something only some can do? is their a way to train for this so that you can feel the suggestions?
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Postby Mutazoa » December 10th, 2011, 9:40 am

I'm going to answer your questions in a rather random order so bear with me.

With out giving you a crash course in basic psychology we know that there are several states of consciousness. They are the Alpha state, the Beta state, and the Delta state. There are different levels of these states.

The Alpha state is waking consciousness. The state that you are in right now sitting in front of your computer reading this.

The Beta state is the one most associated with Hypnotism. Your rational, conscious mind is by passed and we deal more directly with your subconscious. Your conscious mind is still active but it's distracted.

The Delta state is the sleep state; basically it is your brain's "rinse cycle". That time when your conscious mind shuts down completely and your subconscious processes and sorts all the bits and bobs of data you collected during the day and discards all the extraneous crap. This is why listening to hypnotic files, or learn while you sleep tapes does not work. Your brain isn't accepting any new information while it basically defrags itself.

When hypnotized you pass from the Alpha state to the Beta state. But remember, there are different levels. The trick is to pass from Alpha to Beta without dropping into the Delta state. This, unfortunately, happens frequently when using files. Most people who claim not to remember the file but wake up at the end have usually fallen asleep (albeit very lightly) and do just that; Wake up when they hear some one say "wake up".

Hypnotism has traditionally been divided into various levels of trance. The older, more traditional method was a numbered system which you seem to be referencing. Most commonly it is simply divided into 3 categories: Light trance, Medium trance, and Heavy trance. The old numbering system usually further defined the various sub levels with in those 3.

Most people, when hypnotized, stop at the light trance state. Where most people think of hypnotism as being "asleep" it is in fact the opposite, especially in the light trance state. In this state you are actually hyper-aware and notice more or less everything that is going on around you, and most people think that they are not hypnotized at all, but simply "playing along".

Basic suggestions and very simple triggers can be utilized in a light trance state but nothing really substantial. The old, you can't move your arm trick for example. (Known as hypnotic catalepsy.)

The effects you are asking about are known as Positive Hypnotic Hallucinations, or seeing/feeling things that are not really there. These effects are not possible in the light state.

The Medium trance state is where most stage hypnotists hang out. You can do more convincing routines; make people think the are martians, etc. You can pull off auditory hypnotic hallucinations at this point such as hearing music that they want to dance to. You can also have them remember physical sensations that they've experienced in the past (such as an orgasm) while they are still in a trance state. Hypnotic amnesia can be induced with regular success in this state, though anything against some one's moral code or particularly upsetting will find its own way back.

The Heavy trance state is where the magic happens, so to speak. In this state both positive and negative hypnotic hallucinations are possible and long term triggers can be set up. At this point you can set up a "blowjob time" trigger and expect some measure of success. When triggered the subject will indeed feel as if they are getting said blowjob (or feel what they think a blowjob would feel like if they have never had one before). It is usually in this sate that people tend to experience spontaneous hypnotic amnesia, not recalling much of the session.

However...achieving anything deeper than a light trance state with an hypnotic file is pretty difficult.

Hypnotists are more or less simply guides during hypnosis. The subject does 90% of the work during a hypnotic session. As a subject does not naturally stay at the same level during the session, the hypnotist is there to gauge and adjust your level of trance and keep you at productive levels. They do this mostly by watching eye movement, facial reaction and body language.

(Your eyes tend to move up and down in a light trance state, side to side in a medium trance state, and roll back into your head completely in a heavy trance state.)

A hypnotic file can't gauge your level of trace. I forges blindly onward, not giving a tinkers cuss about your level of trance. By its vary nature, it can't. It simply moves form point A to point B like a train on its rails. It can't take the time to make sure you move from a light to medium to heavy trance before it moves from the induction to the body. In fact the only advantage a file has over a live hypnotist is, as you say, that they can be proof read before hand. They will be the same every single time you listen.

Basically with a file, you are being hypnotized by rote. Constant repetition, much like learning to type; endlessly pecking out "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" over and over again until muscle memory takes over. With the file you are taken down the same path over and over and over until the effects are worn into your mind like an old dirt path through a field. It will take a lot of listens for a file to have any serious effect but, like practicing anything, the more you do it the easier it becomes.

So basically, you remain in a light trance state. You get hard because you get aroused thinking your going to feel a blowjob but when you don't you lose your erection due to disappointment (you basically cock-block yourself). You were not in a deep enough state to be able to induce the positive hypnotic hallucination so that part of the trigger simply was not instilled.

Same thing for feeling some one touching you. You can induce a feeling of well being even an approximation of bliss (what you think of as bliss) in a light trance state. It's just like thinking of something pleasant can make you happy with out being in a trance at all. Feeling some one touching you, how ever requires a deeper state than you are usually going to get out of an hypnotic file. At least not right away. Most people give up long before they achieve full success with a file, hence the many "I can't be hypnotized" threads found on WMM.

Mixing files retards that process slightly. For best results, stick to one file until you consistently achieve the desired effects before trying a new file. Keep in mind that it's going to take time and repetition for the new file as well, and you'll want to listen to previous files occasionally (about once a week) for a refresher if you want to keep those effects as well.

Also, it usually works better if you piece-meal a file together instead of taking one off the rack. Grab an induction file that works best for you, edit that together with 2 or 3 deepener files (the more the better), then the body with the effects you are trying to achieve. (The lack of anchoring files on sites like these is a bit disappointing, I may get around to recording some.) Then tack on an awakener and you have a better chance of success. It's still going to take time and repetition, but you have a better chance of achieving the desired level of trance.

In the End, think of hypnotism as an attempt to drive from New York to L.A. With a hypnotist you get a map, a guide, and a GPS on your dash all helping you get from A to B by the most expedient route possible. With a file you are basically given a rental car and simply told to head west. Sure, you'll get there eventually, but you'll probably hit San Diego first.
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Postby eazye1984 » December 11th, 2011, 9:37 am

awesome post thanks alot :oops:

I have a trance word now. it causes me to get pins and needles. what state is that?
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Postby zzzzz » December 11th, 2011, 6:22 pm

The most well known brain frequency states are as follows, from waking to sleeping:

Beta (waking)
Alpha (relaxation, closed eyes)
Theta (dreaming, REM sleep)
Delta (dreamless deep sleep)

See more:
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Postby winbb2 » December 11th, 2011, 6:44 pm

Thanks for that great explanation Mutazoa!!
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Postby eazye1984 » December 12th, 2011, 4:17 am

thanks for the replies guys. but im still needed answer

i recently created a trigger using self hypnosis. and when i say the word i feel a strong sensation then tingles all over. i tried a mp3 after using the trigger and it feels like im on the verge offeeling under hyposis. i feel enthusiastic and confident it will work and surely thats a sign that its working. i tried cum torture. i felt glued in place and got a boner but didnt feel the blowjob again. i was just letting it happen and nothig really happened so this means ill just have to go deeper.

im going to spend the next few hours working on self hypnosis and getting my trigger word to put me deeper and deeper until the files work but ive only just today had success going 1 step deeper. i felt slightly nub theni said 10 after counting and got a rush of tingling indicating that i had gone deeper which is exciting. as in the last year ive have no success at all. i thin my mind is finally getting the hang of being hypnotized and letting go. i also find it easier to calm my thougts now so it just makes it all the more easier.

so tell me what state am i probably in when i have strong physical sensations like tingling? 1 to 10 :?:
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Postby eazye1984 » December 12th, 2011, 5:21 am

im finally positive im getting hypnotized. im just trying to get deep enough to hal.

i did an excirsise and tried to go deeper. when the deeper state was called upon my eyes started moving around side to side up and down then rolled back into my head lol. felt pretty damn deep i felt paralysed.

how deep am i now and how much deeper will i need to go in order to get the suggestions to work.

ps. i tried a file and had rem but did not feel anything still.
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Hearty thanks Mutazoa

Postby arch44 » December 12th, 2011, 6:14 pm

I'm also just beginning to learn, and your thoughtful response was of great use for me. I thought I was a dolt not being able to go "fully" under, and just wake up at the end of the audio tape. In fact, I now know it takes practice and almost anything else in our lives, to make it really work.
Thanks again
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Joined: December 8th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby cumcontrolboi » December 12th, 2011, 7:22 pm

I really enjoyed reading this post. It actually helped a little bit with understanding...

No wonder I have broken up most of my files into triggers, inductions, deepeners, drifts, bodies, and wake-ups...

I tend to choose what I feel will most effectively trance me, depending on the energy and mood and mind state I'm in.
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