Can't Get Into Trance

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Can't Get Into Trance

Postby frankalones » March 14th, 2012, 10:33 pm

I'm still conscious and everything. Any tips?
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Re: Can't Get Into Trance

Postby Tangy » March 14th, 2012, 10:47 pm

frankalones wrote:I'm still conscious and everything. Any tips?

You suppose to be Conscious, even when your subconscious kicks in The trick is to just relax do not concentrate on trance just relax close your eyes and Focus, releasing all your cares and desires and let your mind become Blank. do not rush the process

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Postby Jeshi » March 14th, 2012, 11:31 pm

Despite what the inductions always say (which you should believe 100% when you're listening to the file, it's a kind of doublethink) hypnosis is less comparable to sleeping and more to the state of mind that a used car salesman has put you in when he convinces you that this deal on this car is the best deal on the best car and you should buy right now!

The idea is that you're not longer thinking critically about the hypnotist's suggestions. The power of suggestion is pretty powerful, and hypnosis is just psychological techniques used to enhance it.

If someone tells you that it's kind of cold in a room when it's 50F, then the power of suggestion might make you feel cold. After all, it doesn't feel warm, so you have no reason to disagree, so you have no reason not to believe them when they say it's cold, so then you accept the suggestion of it being cold and then you feel cold.

Hypnosis inductions just get you to the point that you're acting that way to everything being said. You're supposed to be conscious, you're just not thinking critically about the suggestions.

"You're going to quack like a duck when I snap my fingers" is an odd suggestion. Normally, you hear that and you go "What? Why? Why would I do that?"

After a good hypnosis induction, listening to it and believing them and following along, even if you feel the same, you won't notice the most important difference. When they suggest something, rather than "Why would I?" the reaction is "I don't see why not."

So sometimes hypnosis can just feel like you're playing along. You're doing things but you don't feel compelled to do them. But the important part isn't whether or not you feel compelled or different, what's important is that you have followed the suggestions anyway.

"Oh, I just quacked like a duck for the show" might be the rationalization, but would they have done it if you just asked them for no reason to do it? Hypnosis was still the reason they followed the suggestion, even if it didn't seem like it to them.
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Postby Jadit » March 22nd, 2012, 11:27 am

I may not be best giving advices, by being a newbie too, but i've noticed something. Many say that you trance when you, for example walk long journey home. While walking you might be thinking all kinds of things that happened during the day, but your subconscious mind moves your legs, and takes notice of everything happening around you.

If you can get into that relaxed headspace where you just don't care what you think, just let the brain bring up whatever it wants. If you compare walking to listening, maybe its the same. You might start by listening the voice, but then you let the subconscious mind continue the listening while your conscious mind isn't focused at it after a while.

In that sense i would guess it is important that you at first attempt to listen to the hypnotist, but still being relaxed. In the end you are not meant to focus at anything, simply let them happen on their own... or something :P
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Postby Midnight68652 » April 9th, 2012, 8:37 am

it depends on your mind. Some people stay perfectly conscious through it. Others go so far out they become almost unresponcive.
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Postby Storms » April 13th, 2012, 8:39 am

Practice makes perfect. I think the key is to turn off your internal dialog, and focus on the words entering your head. It's not like being asleep, but more like if your consciousness is a flashlight, then trance is like adjusting the beam to a very small point.

A comfortable setting, and sound blocking ear buds work wonders. Try different times. Before or after you wake up, and stay away from coffee, alcohol, and other drugs.
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Postby kitsunez » June 20th, 2012, 5:42 pm

sometimes i find myself repeating the words is this a good idea or bad idea?
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