Visual Hallucination

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Visual Hallucination

Postby eazye1984 » January 25th, 2012, 8:46 pm


Ill put it simple

I go deep, I feel stuff.

I cant visually hallucinate though and trust me when i say im deep. bottom of the barrel.

any books on it, and files on it. any advice on it ive found nothing.

the trainers dont exactly rewire the mind to make it possible.

does anyone here have files or info on how to induce it. or should i just ask god
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Re: Visual Hallucination

Postby Tangy » January 26th, 2012, 11:54 am

eazye1984 wrote:HI.

Ill put it simple

I go deep, I feel stuff.

I cant visually hallucinate though and trust me when i say I'm deep. bottom of the barrel.

any books on it, and files on it. any advice on it I've found nothing.

the trainers don't exactly rewire the mind to make it possible.

does anyone here have files or info on how to induce it. or should i just ask god

Always ask God for protection on these files Better safe then Sorry.
Please contact me and tell me what you see but in the meanwhile here's one of my files that may help will two of my files.

Name: Shared Dreaming
Description: Share a dream Identify with whoever you wish in this Dream and become that person or yourself it is up to you.Challenge to you tell me the scripted. Anybody can use, Permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-01-25 Downloaded: 38 Length: 10:42
Voice Gender: Ambiguous Voice Type: Human
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 1.0000 Total Votes: 1 Comments: 0
Permanent Link: Shared Dreaming Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File
shared Dreaming Dream Scaped

Description: Shared dreaming part two This file will trigger your favorite File and Allow you to Share that Fantasy with another person or several people, good thing about it no Diseases or Fear everything is safe Happy Dreams Audience Any Permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams This Is WARP MY MIND People so lets get to Warping.
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-01-25 Downloaded: 2 Length: 16:39
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 2.0000 Total Votes: 1 Comments: 0
Permanent Link: shared Dreaming Dream Scaped Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File

Moving toward A Bright Future.
Posts: 954
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Re: Visual Hallucination

Postby Tangy » January 26th, 2012, 12:00 pm

eazye1984 wrote:HI.

Ill put it simple

I go deep, I feel stuff.

I cant visually hallucinate though and trust me when i say I'm deep. bottom of the barrel.

any books on it, and files on it. any advice on it I've found nothing.

the trainers don't exactly rewire the mind to make it possible.

does anyone here have files or info on how to induce it. or should i just ask god

Always ask God for protection on these files Better safe then Sorry.
Please contact me and tell me what you see but in the meanwhile here's one of my files that may help will two of my files.

Name: Shared Dreaming
Description: Share a dream Identify with whoever you wish in this Dream and become that person or yourself it is up to you.Challenge to you tell me the scripted. Anybody can use, Permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-01-25 Downloaded: 38 Length: 10:42
Voice Gender: Ambiguous Voice Type: Human
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 1.0000 Total Votes: 1 Comments: 0
Permanent Link: Shared Dreaming Favorite: Mark Favorite Report: Report File
shared Dreaming Dream Scaped

Description: Shared dreaming part two This file will trigger your favorite File and Allow you to Share that Fantasy with another person or several people, good thing about it no Diseases or Fear everything is safe Happy Dreams Audience Any Permanent Permanent(when safe) Only while under Dreams This Is WARP MY MIND People so lets get to Warping.
Author: Tangy ? Added On: 2012-01-25 Downloaded: 2 Length: 16:39
Your Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 Average Rating: 2.0000 Total Votes: 1 Comments: 0
Permanent Link: shared Dreaming Dream Scaped

Getting to the Essence

From the welter of contradictory theories about hypnotic trance induction, it's necessary to decoct the essence.

We must first disabuse ourselves of the myth that hypnotic trance induction is a matter of a "hypnotist" doing something to a "patient." We can at most act as a facilitator in helping the other person achieve a trance state.

"The hypnotic state is an experience that belongs to the subject, derives from the subject’s own accumulated learnings and memories, not necessarily consciously recognized but possible of manifestation in a special state of non-waking awareness. Hence the hypnotic trance belongs only to the subject—the operator can do no more than learn how to proffer stimuli and suggestions that evoke responsive behavior based upon the subject’s own experiential past.

Mesmer "It is not a matter of the operator doing something to subjects or compelling them to do things or even telling them what to do and how to do it. When trances are so elicited, they are still a result of ideas, associations, mental processes and understandings already existing and merely aroused with the subjects themselves. . . . What they say or do serves only as a means to stimulate and arouse in the subjects past learnings, understandings, and experiential acquisitions, some consciously, some unconsciously acquired."

"Hypnotic induction techniques may be best understood as approaches that provide subjects with opportunities for the intense self-absorption and inner experiences called trance. The wise operator then develops skill in relating creatively to this inner experience of his subjects." 1

Word Magic

A second delusion we must discard is the notion that mere words or concepts, such as "suggestion" or "hypersuggestibility" are effective explanations of hypnotic trance induction.

"We cannot possibly regard the word suggestion as any real answer to the important question how the hypnotic responsiveness is induced, on what conditions it depends. . . .

"Suggestion no more explains the phenomena of hypnotism than the crack of a pistol explains a boat race. Both are simply signals, mere points of departure, and nothing more. In Bernheim’s hands the word ‘suggestion’ has acquired an entirely new signification, and differs only in name from the odyllic force of the mesmerists. It has become mysterious and all-powerful, and is supposed to be capable, not only of evoking and explaining all the phenomena of hypnotism, but also of originating, nay even of being, the condition itself. According to his view, suggestion not only starts the race, but also creates the rowers and builds the boat!”

Frederic W. H. Myers, Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, 1903

The Conditioned Reflex Aspect of Trance State Induction

An early, well-known experiment reminds us that "hypnosis is the production of reactions in the human organism through the use of verbal or other associative reflexes." 2 The experiment was conducted by C. V. Hudgins in 1933, who followed Pavlov's method in conditioning the human pupillary reflex. 3

In this experiment, the subject was taught to use his own hand-grip to turn on the lighting of an electric bulb at which he gazed and the subsequent ringing of a bell. When the subject was told by the experimenter to "relax," his hand grip would relax and the bulb would go out and the bell would stop ringing.

When the bulb was lit, the pupil of the eye contracted automatically. After only several hours of conditioning, Hudgins found that he could omit the light bulb, the bell, and the hand-grip. The sound of the word "contract" spoken by the experimenter had acquired the power to force an involuntary and visible constriction of the pupil. The conditioning of the pupillary response lasted from fifteen to ninety days.

This was an astounding experimental result at the time, because up this point it had been assumed that such reflexes as the pupillary response were "autonomic" 4 --not able to be consciously controlled by the person.

The importance of this and similar experiments 5 is that it shows us that words or thoughts act as mechanisms which trigger automatic responses in our bodies. Salter drives home this point with an anecdote:

"Let us say that I had similarly conditioned one of the pupils of the reader's eye. Every time I said 'contract,' whether you wished it or not, your pupil would obey. I would then bring you to an ophthalmologist. 'Doctor,' I would declare, 'here is a splendid hypnotic subject. I control this person so thoroughly that at my command his pupil will contract, and perceptibly.'

"'Come,' he would say, 'you know very well that pupillary contraction is involuntary. You need a light for that.'

"Nevertheless, when I said 'contract,' your pupil would obey every time, and the doctor would be perplexed. 'How do you like hypnotism?' I would ask.

"'It's amazing,' he would answer, but his interest would diminish after I explained how, paralleling Pavlov and Hudgins, your pupil had been conditioned. 'Well,' he would say, 'come back the next time you have some real hypnotism.'

"Our doctor is wrong. There, in the conditioned reflex, he had seen the essence of hypnosis."

Two additional features of Hudgin's research study are important for us to note. Some of his subjects were trained to speak the word "contract" aloud and could produce the pupil constriction effect. And, even more amazing, some of them were trained merely to think of the word "contract" and could produce the same automatic effect of pupillary constriction.

Word and Thought Power

Throughout our lives, specific words or thoughts are conditioned into us which cause automatic mental and bodily responses, called "associate reflexes." Word are bells which trigger these unconscious automatic responses. Hypnosis is the production of reactions in the human organism through the use of verbal stimuli which trigger associative reflexes. Hypnosis takes advantage of certain conditionings we already possess--for example, our automatic response of getting sleepy when we hear the word "sleep." And it also implants new conditionings by repeatedly speaking certain words and reinforcing responses to those words, such as "your outstretched arm is rigid!"

Skinner has shown that reinforcing specifically chosen responses is an even more powerful conditioning technique than classical Pavlovian conditioning. In operant conditioning, we select a specific behavior and by rewarding that behavior we cause it to recur. Thus, as a hypnotic subject responds to a suggestion of arm levitation, or whatever, we verbally reinforce that behavior, enhancing its recurrence.

Moving toward A Bright Future.
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Postby eazye1984 » January 26th, 2012, 1:02 pm

thanks tangy interesting for sure.

so can anyone visually hallucinate? is so how do you go about simply doing it?
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Postby Tangy » May 19th, 2012, 1:44 pm

eazye1984 wrote:thanks tangy interesting for sure.

so can anyone visually hallucinate? is so how do you go about simply doing it?

Everyone can and do Hallucinate, everytime you go to bed at night you Dream, and do we not always tell our subjects to dream?.

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Postby ParanoidLord » May 19th, 2012, 10:25 pm

Strange delivery aside, Tangy does have a point in that dreams offer a very easy route to visual hallucinations. You should definitely develop your ability to lucid dream, regardless of whether it's independent of self-hypnosis or not (there are some files on here devoted to training).

As for visual hallucinations while you're fully awake - those are much harder, and as far as I can tell they require VERY deep conditioning. I did significant training with a file (see my journal), and I had very few visual hallucinations. In short, don't feel bad if you can't see things that aren't there.
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Postby KIY » May 20th, 2012, 7:15 pm

I haven't been able to get any of the lucid dream files to work for me. :( The only thing which has worked, aside form the occasional, natural lucid dream, was following a very strict regime of keeping a dream diary. Unfortunately, that takes too much time for me, since I seem to remember a lot of detail from my dreams (and more and more the longer I keep a diary.)

Well, there are drugs which give you visual hallucinations, even some of them are legal, but I can't really recommend them. (Part of the reason I quit some of the legal stuff was because of the hallucinations! I really don't need another experience of my soul having its skin ripped off, revealing clockworks underneath-- all the while having demonic voices in the background!])

Another time I had a visual hallucination was when I was driving while extremely sick during a long road trip. I changed drivers shortly after that.

Outside of dreams, I really haven't enjoyed hallucinations, to be honest.
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