Looking for some advice

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Looking for some advice

Postby lkjhgfd885 » June 3rd, 2010, 12:35 am

I think this is my first time posting, I wanted my first post to be how hopelessly addicted I would be to my own cum. But, either I'm not trancing or the suggestions aren't sticking :(. I'm pretty sure I've been at this for a year + so I figure it's time to ask help and find out if maybe the files I'm trying are too difficult for a newbie.

But first a little about myself. I'm a male, age 20s, and straight. I have ADHD like no ones business. Also I'm very analytical and I've never been able to imagine anything in my head as far as seeing it goes(at least that i can remember). I've found that keeping myself occupied with as many tasks as possible is a good way of not getting bored of something.(unfortunately hypno files i can only do 1 at a time and i eventually get frustrated after a month and stop listening) A consequence of this is I can't stop thinking I don't know how to fall asleep the only ways I do is by passing out or taking something to help me sleep.(Alchol doesn't even put me to sleep) Relaxing is also a problem. I masturbate anywhere from 1-8 times a night. Average being 3 times a night. Optimism isn't my strong suit. As a final thought I don't know how to relax... Kinda sucks.

Ok that's all i can think of at the moment.

The files I'm most interested in are quite a few.
Curse Cum; Curse CCP; Instant Wetting; Weightloss; Bathroom Gender Confusion(or anything that would make me sit to pee(kinda wanna try it)); Suggestible; Lucid Dreams; Penis Growth

I am looking at the recent post that discusses some tips in a recent post on this forum(I'm hoping it works =D) If anyone has anything that helps them relax or get into trance I'm all ears.

I'm hoping there are tips out there that are like whamo so the next post i make is about how addicted i am to my own cum. But I'm going to keep chipping away at it.

I'll try to get back to any questions asap. Sorry for my poor grammar.
Posts: 18
Joined: April 7th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby sleepyjosh » July 10th, 2012, 8:56 pm

I've found that keeping myself occupied with as many tasks as possible is a good way of not getting bored of something.(unfortunately hypno files i can only do 1 at a time and i eventually get frustrated after a month and stop listening) A consequence of this is I can't stop thinking...

Have you tried a "Seven plus or minus Two" induction? It sounds like it might be up your alley.
Posts: 127
Joined: September 20th, 2005, 12:00 am

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