Should I Bring In The Real Deal?

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Should I Bring In The Real Deal?

Postby SaberT1me » November 1st, 2012, 4:34 am

Not to discredit any of the folks here (trust me, that is not my intent), but I am considering going to a local hypnotist to try and get some kind of reliable trance trigger to use with this files.

I have tried multiple types of inductions and trances while in different types of positions [sitting, laying down, etc.] and just can't seem to find one that works well for me. Cardigan's Deep Trance seemed to be working at first but something just keep bringing me back out of it.

Not sure if going to a local professional would be a sound tactic or not. I know I can be put under, I just seem to have a very hard time making it happen.

Any advice on what else to try? Should I see a local hypnotist or just keep trying at home?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Postby ProfessorPig » November 2nd, 2012, 8:27 am

going to a local hypnotist would probably help. its a lot easier to trance with someone in person than from a recording. it might also help to have some safeties added and some suggestions to increase your overal suggestibility.

out of curiosity have you tried lutz's bubble induction? that is probably the most popular trance trigger file on the site.
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Postby SaberT1me » November 2nd, 2012, 12:02 pm

I appreciate the advice. I'll give the bubble one a try as suggested and then, if I have to, hit the local folks.
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Postby SaberT1me » December 8th, 2012, 7:10 am

Just wanted to give a follow up for anyone that was curious.

I had my session with a local practitioner recently and, while not cheap, it certainly helped. I can finally enter trance on command.

Guess the going rate is usually around two hundred dollars per session. I only needed one for the trance, but it's something to keep in mind if people wanted to go to a local hypnotist themselves and wanted to know about te cost.

Take care everyone. I have files to listen to!
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Postby ProfessorPig » December 8th, 2012, 11:58 am

glad it worked out for you. have fun trancing!
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Postby Foxfuz » December 9th, 2012, 12:03 am

I think the reason a hypnotist in person helped better then the hypnotist on a recorded audio track is because it seems that during a live hypnotic session there is more priority to follow suggestions.

Tell me, did the hypnotist ask you questions while you were under?
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Postby SaberT1me » December 9th, 2012, 9:02 am

Foxfuz wrote:I think the reason a hypnotist in person helped better then the hypnotist on a recorded audio track is because it seems that during a live hypnotic session there is more priority to follow suggestions.

Tell me, did the hypnotist ask you questions while you were under?

No she didn't. She did ask me some background questions (any mental trauma/history she should know of), before starting, but not during the actual trance.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 9th, 2012, 4:24 pm

Well I guess that's not her induction style. You can be asked questions during trance and still remain entranced. Hypnotist generally ask questions like (for example) if you are suggested to imagine yourself in front of a light and feel it's warmth and hypnotist can ask you if you feel it, you can answer the question and the hypnotist would know your progress and if your being hypnotised or not.

I generally like being hypnotized in person because the suggestions to me have more of a need to be followed then that of a file where suggestions need to have the subject give it more of a priority. Also it really depends on th rapport both the hypnotist and the subject has to have any suggestions or depth to be accomplished/ reached.
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Postby SaberT1me » December 11th, 2012, 12:00 pm

It certainly was more effective to be there.

I had managed to enter into something like a trance on my own a few times, but it always seemed like it was luck of the draw rather than on command.

Still try to practice the trigger for the trance a few times every once in a while (with no files or anything, just me alone with my thoughts) because for some reason I keep thinking I'll forget how to do.

Anyway, Not Happy with the price, but very happy with the results.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 11th, 2012, 10:59 pm

What does the trigger do?
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Postby SaberT1me » December 12th, 2012, 7:43 pm

Basically you visualize what you want to happen during your trance, say how long you'll be in the trance itself ("I will be in a state of deep self hypnosis for ten minutes" as an example) and then use your index finger to trigger it as if you were flipping a switch to your muscles and body while just leaving your brain on if that makes any sense.

I started doing it by myself a few times just because I wanted to see how accurate it was.

When I got home from the session I stated that I wanted to be in trance for five minutes, started a stopwatch on my phone and then triggered myself. Came out exactly five minutes later. It was amazing and yet, creepy, at the same time.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 12th, 2012, 10:50 pm

Can you explain more on how it felt to be triggered? Like, was it involuntary? Did it feel like 5 minuets passed?
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Postby SaberT1me » December 14th, 2012, 6:56 am

Foxfuz wrote:Can you explain more on how it felt to be triggered? Like, was it involuntary? Did it feel like 5 minuets passed?

When I was triggered my mind stayed active and aware but I basically couldn't feel my body; almost as if it had become numb all over except for my brain.

It was clear time was passing but it felt like it was moving slightly slower.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 14th, 2012, 11:53 pm

Oh ok, makes sence.
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Postby wqwqwqwq » December 21st, 2012, 11:32 am

Hypnotism and meditation are the same thing. No one can make you do anything. In person training, however, can hold merit.

Personally (even though I *am* a hypnotist) I hate the term hypnotist. I prefer meditation guide or meditation aid. I'm not "hypnotising" anyone because that implies that I did something besides help (as the verb is then attributed to me, not them...)
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