The Newbies Guide to Hypnosis/Trancing

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The Newbies Guide to Hypnosis/Trancing

Postby DKaiser » November 10th, 2010, 4:36 pm

While I'm not the most prolific creator of files, I do put a lot of research into what I've made. One of the things I've noticed lacking is hypnosis writings focusing on the subject, rather than the hypnotist and proper technique. So, here's a short compilation of my notes, for people who are interested in hypnosis or having trouble getting the most out of it, presented as an FAQ.

Please note that my formal education in hypnotherapy does not include specific advanced treatments(basically, I'm only fully studied up to the Certified Hypnotist level), so questions of that matter should be relegated to a licensed hypnotherapist(Google them. They exist, I promise).

So what is this Hypnosis stuff anyway?
Your mind is rather complex, but it's also a rather lazy person(aren't we all). Thus, it tries to make its work easier by filtering out a lot of the information that comes to it. In the case of hypnosis, we guide your mind into a state where it stops filtering out information based on whether it thinks the information is accurate or not; essentially accepting that information as being true regardless of ingrained behavior.

But what if I don't want that?
Well, you're in luck. Hypnosis is a voluntary state, and while the "possibility" filter is taking a nap, your mind also has a filter looking for dangerous information. Compare it to zoning out in your car, and someone else veers into your lane: you snap back to attention immediately. Same idea exists here: if you don't approve of what the hypnotist is doing, the hypnosis state will end.

I hear the words Hypnosis and Trance thrown around. Are they the same thing?
One aids the other. Trance is a state where you are very focused on some automatic behavior, to the exclusion of other things. In this case, we're focused on following the instructions of the hypnotist. However, it's entirely possible to be very focused, but not remove that mental filter(deep trance, but no hypnosis).

I'm interested in Hypnosis. Where should I start?
First, try out different inductions. Different hypnotists have different styles, and given that people are different, different styles will work more effectively than others. What you should avoid is hopping straight to a file that's rather complicated, like hallucinating outside of trance. Doing such things and then having it not work will bum you out of the idea of hypnosis, making it less effective.

So I have to want it to work?
Partially, you also need to accept that it can work, hence starting small. Feeling the progressive relaxation of going into trance from an induction is a good way to point this out to your mind. The more you accept that hypnosis can affect you, the more at ease your mind will be with the process, and thus the easier it will be to go into hypnosis. Self fulfilling prophecy of sorts.

I'm having trouble relaxing. Any tips?
Find a time when it is easiest to relax. Don't get home from a stressful day at work and try to listen to files. Rather, take the time to relax yourself before relaxing, if that makes any sense. Do things that tend to put your mind at ease, like a warm bath, or watching a favorite show. Once you've settled down, then try to relax yourself further.

I have chronic pain troubles that cause problems with relaxing
Use your own personal ways of relieving that pain. Note that you'll be in the same spot over the course of hypnosis, so pop out your back, stretch before sitting down, and get in a comfortable chair/bed where your body is fully supported. A work chair probably isn't suitable for what we're doing if you have pain troubles.

Is there a preference between beds and chairs?
It depends on the subject. Most hypnotherapists use chairs or couches, to prevent the subject from going to sleep(there is a difference between hypnosis and sleep). However, if you are more comfortable in your bed, it is perfectly acceptable to trance there. I would recommend doing so not right before you go to sleep however, as you are prone to falling asleep while doing so.

On that note, what should hypnosis feel like?
There are a few distinct phases that everyone passes through:
1. Relaxation of the body. Your body gets more relaxed, less full of aches, pains, and tension.
2. Loosing of the train of thought. Your mind will want to wander, focusing on any stimulus it receives rather easily.
3. Unimportance of the outside world. You'll stop paying attention to things around you.
4. Decreased desire to move. As the body continues to relax, and muscle tension decreases, the body will become more and more still.
5. Loss of equilibrium. Some sense this as floating, some as feeling very heavy, some as their bed/chair floating through space. Regardless of how you feel it, your body position will seem to become indistinct.
6. Ease of Focus. As your train of thought continues to focus on the hypnotist, it'll stop getting so easily distracted, and will seem to gravitate towards focusing on the voice. Most report that the voice becomes louder and clearer when this happens.
7. Pain Ignorance. Once the focus rests on the hypnotist's voice, the body will generally stop feeling pain or stress to a large extent.
8. Sublimation of Consciousness. Your conscious train of thought will seem to silence, just focusing on the voice and not really thinking about it.
These don't have to specifically be in this order, but they are the general sensations that will be associated with proper hypnosis.

Trance goes pretty deep then. Do I need to go all the way down that list?
Not necessarily. Generally, you'll see a linear relation between trance depth and hypnosis effectiveness(the deeper you go, the better it'll get), but deep trance doesn't ensure effective hypnosis(and shallow trance doesn't deny it). Generally, changes to behavior become effective around level 2-3(becoming very effective around 6), while transformative hypnosis is effective starting at 5, and becoming very effective at 7-8. Fantasy hypnosis(a type of file that plays out a scene in your mind) tends to reach optimal effectiveness at 6, and becomes very effective at 8.

So, what should *I* be doing in hypnosis?
This one gets asked a lot. Basically, you should listen to the hypnotist's voice, and let your mind focus on it without consciously critiquing it. If you catch your mind drifting, just gently bring it back to the voice. If you catch your mind thinking about it, just gently silence it. The more you practice hypnosis, the better you'll get at it.

Practice? Ick.
Not everyone is easily suggestible. That said, anyone can learn how to reach the same level of effect, simply by training your mind to turn off that filter when going into trance. The more you go into hypnosis, the easier it becomes.

I went deep, but it's not working...
Make sure you want what's in the file, and that you're focusing on the hypnotist's voice. Affirming that you want it can help, as is remembering that more complicated files may take longer to integrate. Odds are, even if you think you're going deep, your mind can go deeper still.

I'm not going all that deep.
Try getting yourself ready mentally before going into trance. Thinking about what it'll be like, affirming to yourself that you want it, reading about stories involving hypnosis; all those things can help. Also try thinking of the old standby of the subject staring into a spiral or watching a pocket-watch swing while the hypnotist talks. It doesn't necessarily have to be something like that, even staring at the phosphenes on the insides of your eyes works: You just need something to keep your conscious mind from being noisy for a while. Once your mind gets used to that idea, it'll figure out how to silence its thoughts without you needing to focus on something in particular.

What's a good style of hypnosis for me?
Depends on who you are. More submissive people tend to get more out of files that are dominant, or ordering in their tone. Analytical people like files that follow logical paths of reasoning. Skeptical people like files that show off easy effects before moving on to the harder stuff. It's best to listen around and determine what's best for you, as that's something only you can find out for yourself.

I wanna install subconscious behaviors. Can hypnosis do that?
Absolutely. In fact, it's what its best at. Installing behaviors or stimulus>response patterns is the best and easiest use of hypnosis. Imagine you go to a restaurant, and eat some food that was particularly badly cooked. Even if you consciously accept that it was just one cook being bad, that experience has colored your perception of that restaurant, instilling a subconscious behavior to avoid it. Hypnosis can do the same thing, though given the way it works, it's much better at instilling positive reactions. Saying that you enjoy fresh air rather than hate cigarettes, for example.

I wanna cause physical changes. Can hypnosis do that?
It depends. Take weight loss, for example. Losing weight(for the most part) is dependent upon your eating and exercise: what you put in and what you put out. By modifying behavior, you can change those patterns, and thus change your weight. Similarly, the mind can affect hormone production, as that's something the subconscious mind regulates. What you want to stay away from is files focusing on a hormone change rather than the end result, or a spontaneous change.

Why are Hormone Specific changes bad?
Because hormones, for the most part, work on a balance system. One goes up, another goes down. Telling your body to mess with a hormone can cause health problems aside from the changes you want. Rather, a file should focus on the end changes, not a cause of those changes. There's a reason hormone pills aren't available outside of a doctor's prescription.

Why are spontaneous changes bad?
It's not that they're bad, it's that the mind can't really do that, under normal circumstances. Your mind doesn't spontaneously make you grow a third arm. In cases where such things happen, the mind is clearly not operating correctly, and that's a whole boatload of problems for the victim on the receiving end. Alternately, you induce delusional behavior, believing your body has physically caused such changes when it really hasn't.

But what if I want transformative effects?
Keep it in the mind. Transformation effects should be mental in scope, with the subject keeping in mind that it isn't physically real, just a pleasant post-hypnotic suggestion that they are experiencing inside themselves. There is a difference between hallucination and delusion that is important to keep in mind.
Last edited by DKaiser on January 1st, 2011, 11:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby DKaiser » November 10th, 2010, 4:52 pm

So, what's all this trigger stuff?
Triggers are basically subconscious cues, to elicit a reaction when that stimulus is given. Think of it as how your mouth salivates when you imagine good food. Except here, we make it something a little easier to replicate, usually a spoken phrase or physical sensation.

What makes a good trigger?
Something that won't be casually used by other people unintentionally. A trigger should only be used when you want it to be used. In the instance of habit breaking(like smoking), you might want it to be used often, such as installing a trigger in regards to seeing a cigarette. For something that's more recreational, you might want it only used in a safe environment, and thus you should avoid common phrases for a trigger.

Triggers don't seem to work for me
Like hypnosis in general, you have to want them to work. If you don't want the end effect, you won't accept the trigger. Likewise, you need to mentally notice the trigger taking effect. If someone says your trigger phrase and you're not around to hear it, nothing's gonna happen.

What's this binaural stuff?
Binaurals are specially set up sounds designed to replicate a specific frequency, to guide your brainwaves into a state akin to that frequency. Thus, they aid in sliding deeper into trance, and remaining there.

Do they work?
Yes, though they're not the end-all of hypnosis. They aid in trance, not hypnosis, so you still need to practice letting that filter relax.

How do I use them?
With a file that has binaural beats in them, listen with headphones. That's it. Easy, no?

What about subliminals?
Subliminals are a bit different. They produce information at a level where your conscious mind can't detect them, thus passing that information on into your mind without dealing with your mental filters.

Do they work?
Sort of. It doesn't install behaviors, except from a placebo effect of expecting them to. Rather, it installs information. So, if I were to give you subliminal messages saying to drink Coke, you wouldn't run up and grab a Coke to drink. However, if you were thirsty, and getting a drink anyway, your mind will consider that information when making its choice, thus making you more likely to drink Coke when you were already going to drink something.

So can I just listen to subliminals?
Preferably not. Subliminals are good at reinforcing changes from actual hypnosis files, and aren't all that useful on their own. That said, Hypnosis+Subliminals tends to be more useful than just Hypnosis, so take that as you will.

What's a good setup for doing hypnosis?
Whatever you're most comfortable in. Chairs or beds are good, preferably one that supports the body. Headphones should be comfortable, and airflow should be sufficient to keep you from getting hot or cold.

How often should I listen?
Depends on the person. What you want to avoid is burnout, where your mind feels like just getting it over with. Being a little bored with a file is fine, being annoyed at slow progress isn't. Most people prefer listening once a day, either before bed or after waking up.

How long should I listen?
Again, depends on the person. After a while, your mind will have trouble keeping that strict focus, or will start nodding off into sleep(or just get bed sores from being in one place for too long). Most people starting out are good for 20-30 minutes, and can continue longer with further practice. Note that longer doesn't necessarily mean better, though.

I'm having trouble trusting the hypnotist.
Have a listen to the file without going into trance first. Accept that you're cool with what's in the file, vocally affirm it to yourself if you need to, and then listen properly. There's nothing stopping you from examining the file ahead of time.

My body spasms in trance.
Make sure you keep a steady rate of breathing. This is your body trying to shock itself back into a proper rhythm. You're mentally trying to keep still, while it wants to roll around like it normally would when sleeping, and it's getting annoyed. If you have this problem, try going into trance just focusing on your breathing, rather than the hypnotist itself for a few times. Once you get into trance fine, then go back to focusing on the file.

I feel the need to swallow in trance.
Go ahead and do it, just let yourself relax again afterwords. Try drinking more water before doing hypnosis next time.

I wanna do self-hypnosis. How should I do it?
This part actually has lots of books on the subject, so go check around.

I wanna do file hypnosis. How should I do it?
Even more so than books, take a class. Hypnotism classes are available, including study-at-home ones. It's important to learn more than just the technique, but actually what's proper uses of hypnosis, so it's best to take a class rather than read a book and consider yourself ready.

I've read up on doing hypnosis. What now?
Practice. Preferably, practice with something simple, with minimal chance of abreaction or unfavorable outcomes. The trick to being a hypnotist is that hypnosis is half science(proper technique and understanding) and half art(everyone is different, and you need to alter your technique to suit each situation). Generally, most hypnotists will tend to specialize in a few styles of hypnosis(especially for those making files, as they need to be more broad in their reach compared to a one-on-one session), so it's also a good idea to study the works of other hypnotists if you want to try to expand your knowledge of the subject.

What are some tips for Transformation Hypnosis?
Have an idea in your mind of what you want before doing the Hypnosis. If you're using a file to help visualize yourself as the opposite gender, imagine that form ahead of time. Imagine various everyday activities as the target form, and how that would be different from doing them normally. Having an idea in your mind ahead of time helps the suggestions have something to take root with.

What are some tips for Mindset Hypnosis?
Mindset hypnosis, or changing of behavior from a trigger for a short period of time, is easier than Transformation hypnosis, but still can be tricky to someone starting out. Often what helps is acting out the behaviors at first, letting yourself do what the file tells you to do. With practice, those mental proddings to act that way will expand into proper compulsions when the trigger is given.

I want to use hypnosis to help with the Transgender Process. Is this good?
Depends on what you want to do. Some want to use transformation hypnosis to see themselves as their mental image, which is fine. Some want to use it to aid in hormone regulation for a physical TG process, which is also fine, provided you are approving of it. What's not fine is trying to instill delusional behavior, such as thinking you are one gender when you are not, and we'd like to avoid such things.
Note that it's also acceptable to re-orient your mental image in line with your physical one, though generally people have an aversion to doing this, believing the mind to be "truer" to one's self than the physical body. That choice, however, is up to you, and how you wish to deal with things.

I have rather prominent body image issues, where I don't feel like my current body is right for me. Can using recreational hypnosis to hallucinate a new body help?
This isn't really a question that can be given a blanket answer. Sometimes it's just a desire to be something different, and other times it actually is body dysmorphia. Barring a certified psychiatrist/hypnotherapist making a judgment call, the rule of thumb is whether you feel an absolute need to make a change, versus just having a mental or sexual desire to make the change. The first one suggests a deeper problem, the second is more benign.

I hear hypnotherapy and hypnosis thrown around. Are they the same thing?
Strictly speaking, no. Hypnosis is any use of the trance process for the purpose of making suggestions. Hypnotherapy is a combination of applied hypnosis and 1-on-1 psychiatry for the purpose of improving mental well-being. So hypnotherapy will always include hypnosis, but there's more to it than that.

So, what is hypnotherapy good for?
Hypnotherapy falls into three main categories: behavior modification, conditioned response removal, and general wellness. Behavior Modification is most commonly used to remove bad habits, such as smoking/drinking, anorexia/overeating, and so forth, but can also be used to instill good habits, like promoting the desire to pursue some goal. Conditioned Response Removal deals with phobias and past trauma, getting rid of irrational responses that your body has developed over time. General Wellness is more akin to applied psychiatry, where hypnosis is used to reinforce key points that the patient/hypnotherapist wish to improve upon(self-esteem and such forth).

I'm seeking mental help. Should I go to a hypnotherapist or a psychiatrist?
Depends. If your problem is covered in the above topic, then seeing a hypnotherapist is fine. If it isn't, then a psychiatrist would be better.

Someone I know needs an intervention. Can hypnotherapy help?
Not really. The subject has to want to change for hypnosis to do much good, which an intervention suggests a lack of. Standard psychiatry is better in such cases(though the patient can certainly move on to hypnotherapy at a later date).

I want to see a hypnotherapist. How do I know he's not just a quack?
Most places require you to be certified to run an in-person hypnotherapy clinic or advertise yourself as a hypnotherapist. If they're reputable, they'll have their credentials at the office.

I really doubt that all the people posting files on this site are certified...
You'd be right on that. The difference being that hypnotherapists, by nature of their craft, will encounter people with severe mental problems. Recreational hypnosis runs on the presumption that you are of sound mind(or at least, no crazier than most people :p), and thus it is acceptable to use recreational hypnosis without being certified.

Then how do I know if such people know what they're doing?
Common sense and word of mouth, mainly. If a file has a very low rating, there's probably a reason why. Also, you can listen to a file without going into trance, to make sure it's what you expected it to be.

Any precautions with using Recreational Hypnosis?
First off, follow the Leather Rule: be Safe, Sane, and Consensual. If a trigger file puts you in a compromising state, have some way to exit it(either have it used by someone you trust, or have a mental release trigger). Don't use hypnosis when doing anything that requires constant vigilance(such as driving), as the entire point of trance is to blank out the rest of the world to where you only focus on one thing. If you're trancing, you're not driving, and that's a bad plan.

What files should I stay away from?
If a file is debilitating in such a way as to prevent you from performing outside of trance, make sure it's a trigger file(keep hypnosis with hypnosis, and the rest of your life with the rest of your life). Also stay away from files that promise obviously unrealistic effects. Hallucination is fine(and often the point), but deluding yourself into thinking something's happened that hasn't isn't safe.

I want to use a trigger/conditioning to aid with future hypnosis. Can you do that?
Yes, and there's two ways of doing it. The most common is a trigger, designed to bring you back into trance when used. For that type, make sure the trigger isn't something that can be casually triggered(generally you want an uncommonly spoken phrase, though some in-person hypnotists prefer a complex tactile trigger, like a certain movement of the hands, or repeated focusing on a specific spot). The other is general conditioning, either to trance at hearing the hypnotist's voice, or just aiding your mind's ability to trance in general.

Is there anything wrong with using a trigger/conditioning to help with hypnosis?
Not in and of itself, though there are some things to note. First off, if the trigger comes with suggestions to automatically accept what comes after it, then you've bypassed the main rule of hypnosis(You'll automatically resist suggestions you don't agree with), because you automatically agree with every suggestion subconsciously, even if it's bad for you. If you use a trance trigger or condition yourself for automatic acceptance, take the extra effort to make sure that the files you use don't have any suggestions you don't want. Also, as with any trigger, be careful who you tell it to, as that basically hands them free reign to hypnotize you as they wish.

Well, that's all the stuff from my notes for now. If you have any questions that aren't addressed here, post them below, and I'll add them to the FAQ. Hope this is helpful!
Last edited by DKaiser on January 1st, 2011, 11:35 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Postby ocntrl » November 11th, 2010, 3:08 pm

Excellent post!
The only one I would add is try trancing when you feel awake and fit. Listening when tired my just have you fall asleep rather than trance, especially with the relaxing inductions.
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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » November 11th, 2010, 3:57 pm

Awesome work there DKaiser, nice job.
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Postby DKaiser » November 11th, 2010, 6:07 pm

ocntrl wrote:Excellent post!
The only one I would add is try trancing when you feel awake and fit. Listening when tired my just have you fall asleep rather than trance, especially with the relaxing inductions.

I kinda mentioned that on the not trancing while tired, but I can try to clarify more.

Also, note that you shouldn't take this as the end-all be-all of hypnosis. This is just what I've discovered from my 2 years of doing hypnosis, and what I've remembered to write down. Strictly speaking, I'm not a licensed hypnotherapist(I took the course, but never applied for certification because my state requires a bunch of other stuff. So, I keep hypnosis as the hobby and voice acting as the thing that pays the rent). Still, I hope if you're having problems that this can help.

Added a few questions on Mindset Hypnosis and Hypnosis for Transgender individuals as well, they're at the bottom of the FAQ. Feel free to chime in with questions you want to ask that aren't answered here!
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Postby winbb2 » November 11th, 2010, 10:07 pm

Thank you for this excellent and informative post.
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Postby DKaiser » November 22nd, 2010, 6:42 pm

Added a few more questions to the list of doom(DOOOOOM!). Topics of this dump include:

Hypnotherapy vs. Recreational Hypnosis
Precautions for Recreational Hypnosis
Trance Triggers and Trance Conditioning

As before, if you think of anything that needs to be addressed, shout it out, and I'll put it up on the FAQ.
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Postby Evangeline » November 28th, 2010, 3:10 am

i have been trying curse hormone change, though i am well aware i wasn't full in trance (still having trouble with that) but after reading this list of very informative information. i would like to ask what kind of dangers can result from using hypnosis to alter ones hormones? meaning with kind of side effects are we talking about?
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Postby DKaiser » November 28th, 2010, 3:36 am

The same sorts of things that can arise from other methods of hormone altering. While it's not really my field of expertise, let's sum up by calling it the difference between an art and a science. You convince your brain to create more estrogen, lower testosterone levels. How does your brain know what is enough? Too much estrogen? Dangerously low testosterone? Not really something you have too much control over, so it's better to target effects as specifically as possible(if you want feminization effects, use feminization suggestions, not the roundabout method of hormone targeting).

It's not so much that it's a problem in and of itself, just that it has the potential for problems, when there's an easier method to deal with it. If you want the perception of the feminized body, hypnosis can just do those suggestions, whereas desire for the physical body can be done with properly measured application of hormones in a controlled manner, rather than throwing your mind at it and hoping it takes.
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Postby saenchen » November 29th, 2010, 6:10 pm

Triggers confuse me. For instance, in the FAQ it's stated that you have to want the trigger to work...and later it's stated to be cautious against accidental triggers. How can it be voluntary in one case and not in another?
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Postby Evangeline » November 30th, 2010, 6:58 am

i think i can answer that saenchen picture yourself at a store, and you hear someone say your trigger, is possible that their saying it can trigger you. for example: if your trigger is say the word "dance"and you happen to be passing someone talking about dance and you hear that word, well you will probably be triggerd
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Postby Liann » November 30th, 2010, 1:31 pm

saenchen wrote:Triggers confuse me. For instance, in the FAQ it's stated that you have to want the trigger to work...and later it's stated to be cautious against accidental triggers. How can it be voluntary in one case and not in another?

If you WANT the trigger to work, then it will work deliberately or accidently.

If you refuse, or resist, letting the trigger act on you then it will not act whether you say it or somebody else says it.

Some people have a fear of being hypnotised, or being controlled, so the unconsciously resist the instructions. If you want what the file promises, then you overcome that resistance eventually.

Another example is somebody starts listening without really knowing what the file is about. It gets to a part where they are supposed to be triggered and they realize that they don't want that. They shout "WTF! You expect me to do THAT!?" and tear off the headphones. They didn't want what the trigger was supposed to do.

You see how a trigger can work on one person who wants it and not on another who doesn't want it enough?
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Postby saenchen » November 30th, 2010, 6:22 pm

Thanks for the reply. I am still a little lost..maybe it'll help if I give an example.

Lets say I trigger myself to always lift my pinky when drinking from a glass (making this up, of course). The trigger is whenever I grasp a glass, I instinctually raise my pinky.

If I want it to work then of course I will everytime but what if I want it to work and simply don't feel like it at a certain momment. I don't want to raise my pinky THIS one time. Will I find myself doing it anyway? or no?
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Postby DKaiser » November 30th, 2010, 6:40 pm

saenchen wrote:Lets say I trigger myself to always lift my pinky when drinking from a glass (making this up, of course). The trigger is whenever I grasp a glass, I instinctually raise my pinky.

If I want it to work then of course I will everytime but what if I want it to work and simply don't feel like it at a certain momment. I don't want to raise my pinky THIS one time. Will I find myself doing it anyway? or no?

Depends on how strongly the trigger is installed. If it's not that strong, or you have a very strong desire to not do it, then you won't do it. If it's set up in such a way that the trigger is unassailable in your mind, then you'll do it regardless. Generally you'll find wordings like that in something like a Curse file, where the whole point is the idea of being unable to work against the suggestion, even if you want to.

The problem part referred to above is more about being triggered when you don't want to. As you point out, it's possible to fight a trigger when it happens, but you have to know about it and expect it. If Evangeline's example trigger of "dance" was said, you might start acting on the suggestions before it consciously clicks that the trigger has been used. For some things, that's all right. For others(say, TrigFreeze), it might not be so nice.

Where I believe the confusion is coming from is the idea of needing to want the trigger to work. You could want it to work under the impression that it would be used in a given situation, thus letting you accept the suggestions. But once the suggestions are in place, your opinion of the suggestion is irrelevant, even if you find the trigger used in a way you weren't expecting. The requirement of wanting the suggestion to work only applies to the hypnosis part, not afterwords.
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Postby saenchen » December 1st, 2010, 7:11 pm

Thank you for the answer. Can anyone point me in the direction of a good "curse" file? Not one I want to go under from but can learn from? or maybe have some phrase suggestions they can post (no pun intended :) )
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Postby DKaiser » December 1st, 2010, 7:36 pm

I'll throw you a PM, to keep the thread from getting off-topic(normally I wouldn't mind, but since he mods were nice enough to sticky it...)

Also threw up a question in the first post about what to do if you're not going very deep. It gives general tips and tricks in the absence of a trigger to do it for you(or to teach your mind how to go deep so the trigger does what it's supposed to).
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Postby Liann » December 1st, 2010, 10:30 pm

Evangeline wrote:i have been trying curse hormone change, though i am well aware i wasn't full in trance (still having trouble with that) but after reading this list of very informative information. i would like to ask what kind of dangers can result from using hypnosis to alter ones hormones? meaning with kind of side effects are we talking about?

Hormone balance is a complex affair and not strictly under volitional control. There are distributed centers which administer hormone generation, and none of them reside in the language processing parts of the brain. Words, therefore, are not particularly effective in altering your normal body programming for hormone secretion and metabolism. That does not mean that you get zero effect from hypnosis, but you shouldn't have unrealistic expectations.

The skill of the hypnotist carries a lot of the burden. An incompetent hypnotist is unlikely to be able to get you into danger, and a competent one is not likely to put you in danger. Hormone change requires profound change in state of mind and gender identification. If these are not accomplished, then most of the visible effects are illusionary and transitory -- they are mirages which don't last.

Hypochondria, being what it is, the majority of ill physical effects from hypnotic suggestions are self-induced fears magnified out of proportion.
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Postby craigK » December 14th, 2010, 8:12 pm

hey dkaiser gr8 post
very interesting reading

i have a genral question about anxiety and trance/hypno
If you have been listerning to file for a while and just started to have some results ie the files r working.And u get a buzz from this
why is the that u can suffer from eother a panic attack or anxiety,either the next day or days later?

Following what u said of accepting what the file is about and being ok with that,and seeing the changes and thinking its more than u ever expected.
why then does the body/mind have a anxiety attack??

I understand that hypno is about letting go n giving up control,so would this be a pointer to the reasons for it happening.
Hard question i know but any info into this would be gr8 for the group if u can
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Postby DKaiser » December 14th, 2010, 8:32 pm

For starters, I have to make the required comment about spelling and text-speak, but I think I can understand what you said...

This tends to be dependent on the person using the files: It's not a very common reaction. Where you'll see such things is with someone who's motivations tend to shift around a lot(for instance, getting really into the heat of the moment, then wondering why you got so worked up after the fact). In this case, it's just that your mind isn't quite made up about whether you actually want the effects or not. While it's easy to rationalize away when just starting out, once effects start happening, that doesn't work anymore, leading to the anxiety.

I could probably give a more detailed look at it if you could PM me what files in particular were being listened to, but for a general outlook, just let your mind come to terms with what the file does, rather than seeing a file that looks nice and immediately going off to trance with it.
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Postby SissyBoyBrian » February 24th, 2011, 11:59 pm

Hi i'm a newbie to hypno but been interested in trying some for a good while now so want the suggestions and triggers to take hold. My question though is how many files can you listen to in any given period? If say i'm listening to two or three different files a day will they take hold as easily as only one a day or possibly have a cancelling each other out effect? Also there are ten plus at least files i want to use so how often should i rotate listening to them all to get best results for the suggestions and triggers to take hold and stay and not diminish with time. I hope my questions made sense lol.
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Postby DKaiser » February 25th, 2011, 12:32 am

Depends on if they reinforce each other. A file to improve suggestibility and a file to help go deeper into trance mix well together; files that are entirely unrelated to each other tend to distract and make them not as effective.

My suggestion is to start with the file that most interests you, and get it working well, then move on to other files. Once you've got one down, the others become easier, and so forth.
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Postby SissyBoyBrian » February 25th, 2011, 2:04 pm

Well they're all fetish files and geared towards my submissive side so i think they should reinforce and compliment each other. I'll get some files to help with suggestability and deepen the trance state also to try help me take them in though. Thanks for the advice-this forum has been good for information,keep up the good work.
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Postby nauru » March 15th, 2011, 8:28 pm

How does the mind handle contradicting training? If a person listens to one file that reinforces the suggestion that his penis is getting bigger than ever it was before (woah!) and then listens to another file that suggests his penis is shrinking away to almost nothing (woah!), and just to keep it fair, this dude (presumably) listens to each file the same number of times with the same duration between, and in general has the same level of focus on listening to each file... which file wins?

Now, that example aside, how about with triggers? If two triggers contradict... let us say one trigger has been firmly installed (maybe a trigger to make a person stop moving for five minutes), and then two years after that trigger became firmly installed, the person starts installing a new trigger that when spoken makes it impossible to stop moving for 10 minutes. Will listening to the second trigger to keep moving, with enough effort, eventually override the older trigger to stop moving? Will the potential conflict outcome only be seen when the two triggers are both used simultaneously? Or will the practice of thinking "I can be made to not stop moving" slowly erode the power that the trigger saying "I can be forced to stop moving" has?

Is it all tied to what a person wants more? Is that why a curse is considered dangerous, in that it attempts to alter your perception of (or actual) wants that you have? How about conflicting curses? My initial impression of curses is that they only have as much power as you want them to have, on some level, so two curses could not ever be in even or fairly weighted conflict because your mind is already made up about what you really want. But if a curse slowly changes your mind about what you want, then what would happen to the previous curse conflicting with the new curse?

For more concrete examples, if I were to say get both trigBlowjob working, and trigWoman working, really well, separately, and then said both at once, is there any predicting what would happen? I am not close to getting either working at a level where the effects of contradiction would be really interesting, so hopefully we won't have to wait for me to try it :)
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Re: Contradiction...

Postby DKaiser » March 18th, 2011, 10:08 am

Summary wrote:tl;dr - Two files in opposition, which one wins?

Depends on which one the person wants to win, basically. Dunno why you'd want to listen to two files in direct opposition, but it comes down to which one the guy likes more.

Summary wrote:tl;dr - Later trigger in opposition to earlier trigger, which one wins?

Again, depends on which one takes hold better. Probably the second one, given the time frame difference, but it does depend on how strongly the first one was placed.

Summary wrote:tl;dr - Are curses dangerous because of perception altering? How would that affect conflicting curses?

Yeah, curses are dangerous from the sense that you prevent the natural decay of the suggestion by making it so the subject believes that there's no way around it. In such cases, the second curse would tend to be more effective should two come into conflict.

Summary wrote:tl;dr - If I got TrigBlowJob and TrigWoman working well, and used both at the same time, what would happen?

Not sure, but not all that interested in finding out. Trigger files are meant to be used as their own experience. You might like mayonnaise, and you might like ketchup. Putting them together, though, just gives you a blended batch of bleh.
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Postby nauru » March 26th, 2011, 1:02 am

Thanks for the reply.

I do not think I would go out and choose to train on two opposing files by conscious thought. But it seems reasonable to use one for a little while, then switch to another which may conflict with the first. And that would be even more of an issue with a curse since it would tend to last longer.

Anywho... it is all very interesting! :D
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Postby pimp951231 » April 17th, 2011, 9:27 pm

WOW epic post. Thanks help alot
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Postby YofBooty » April 6th, 2012, 10:55 pm

Much thanks for all this helpful information
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Postby private_lock » November 4th, 2012, 4:42 pm

Hello DKaiser!

First the easier question: I was hoping to read a comment on "shows":

Imagine a "magician" hypnotizing 10 "randomly" chosen people from the audience, he's "never" seen before. Is it realistic: can he bring them one by one or all together into trance and immobilize them for a few minutes? Can he make them perform little tricks, say play air-guitar or cut vegetables without them knowing afterwards?

Can this truly work? As you see by me placing marks, I strongly doubt it and suspect the subjects to be preselected, maybe even bribed to play along. I'd just love to get a second opinion on that.


Second question: What about time spans and time limits installed in files? I don't question them in general, so suppose, I'm normally quite OK and originally want them to take effect.

Short term: The file might say: keep stroking your penis for at least an hour before you're allowed to cum. Well an hour can be pretty long ... I imagine, that one day in the middle I sort of "wake up", look at the clock and say, now lets get over with this and finish me off to orgasm.

a) Of course, I don't expect hypnosis to turn me into an atomic clock, so the hour will only be my best estimate. But will I be able, to break the spell significantly earlier than I personally think, the hour is over?
b) Will such a "fail" just be a single event, not touching the overall effectiveness of the hypnosis or will it diminish its future repetitions?
c) Can this be attributed to the hypnosis not being deep enough (too early, to expect reliable results) or having worn out (kind of getting forgotten over time)? Is there a life cycle as I currently assume?
d) What if I cannot orgasm right away? Will it boost the effect, so the next time I recall, I couldn't break the spell last time and won't try again? Kind of a learning effect?

Mid term: Say a chastity hypnosis ends after x weeks/month.
e) Should I better mark the date in my calendar or will I somehow "feel" when it's over, maybe adding a few days, just to be sure?
f) What about an ultimatum? Say, the chastity curse can only be removed within x weeks/month and will thereafter become permanent? Will that date pass unnoticed or will I make a big fuss about it?

At first I thought, the mention of the possibility of a removal contradicts the purpose of a curse. But now I start to see, how viciously this reinforces the curse seeing the only chance of removal ticking away until the time is up.

In the long run: What is keeping the hypnosis reliably alive?
g) Do I have to listen to the file constantly over and over again forever? Or will the installed effect (once working properly) sustain itself?
h) Will I still consciously recognize: "This was my old hypnosis-modification" and remember, there were times far away before the install, when it wasn't normal to me? Or won't I even think about it any more?
i) Will the memory of those other times fade away? Or does the hypnosis explicitly have to cancel that memory out? Can hypnosis do that?


Finally: I found it very surprising, that analysis of the concepts and mechanics of the brain does not hinder hypnosis to take effect on me. It's like repairing and driving cars. You can do one or the other at any time. In fact I suppose understanding can even further the deepness of effects.

Time to go to bed for me ... but maybe I'll listen to my current hypnosis once more right now *g*

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Postby demigraff » November 5th, 2012, 3:00 am

private_lock wrote:Imagine a "magician" hypnotizing 10 "randomly" chosen people from the audience, he's "never" seen before.

What kind of performer selects people at random? That's just stupid. You pick the people who are most responsive. I've never seen or heard of a stage hypnotist picking random people, or even one who claims to.
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Postby Jadit » November 29th, 2012, 11:25 pm

"I want 10 volunteers to step forward" could be 1 suggestion on its own :wink: This could tell that those people are hypnotizable, having state of mind excited and willing to follow orders. Getting to perform in front of large audience, would you not be excited?
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Postby Hypnon00b » January 8th, 2013, 9:43 am

private_lock wrote:
Short term: The file might say: keep stroking your penis for at least an hour before you're allowed to cum. Well an hour can be pretty long ... I imagine, that one day in the middle I sort of "wake up", look at the clock and say, now lets get over with this and finish me off to orgasm.

a) Of course, I don't expect hypnosis to turn me into an atomic clock, so the hour will only be my best estimate. But will I be able, to break the spell significantly earlier than I personally think, the hour is over?
b) Will such a "fail" just be a single event, not touching the overall effectiveness of the hypnosis or will it diminish its future repetitions?
c) Can this be attributed to the hypnosis not being deep enough (too early, to expect reliable results) or having worn out (kind of getting forgotten over time)? Is there a life cycle as I currently assume?
d) What if I cannot orgasm right away? Will it boost the effect, so the next time I recall, I couldn't break the spell last time and won't try again? Kind of a learning effect?

Generally, the average mind has a decent internal clock. It can't by any means be "watch" accurate, but I'm sure an average mind can determine times within 30 minutes. Plus, you have to imagine that you can consciously help by keeping an eye on the clock. When the "stroke for an hour" file ends, get the time and have at it. This allows any time checks while stroking to correct any major inaccuracies your internal clock has. As for breaking the effect, if you can do it once, your mind will keep that in mind for the next time you want to, so in short, yes it will break the long term behavior modification. As it takes practice to go into trance, it can in theory take practice to break any modifications made by a trance.

Mid term: Say a chastity hypnosis ends after x weeks/month.
e) Should I better mark the date in my calendar or will I somehow "feel" when it's over, maybe adding a few days, just to be sure?
f) What about an ultimatum? Say, the chastity curse can only be removed within x weeks/month and will thereafter become permanent? Will that date pass unnoticed or will I make a big fuss about it?

About knowing your curse deadline (when you can remove it): As for the files saying "The curse can be removed after 9 months and is made permanent after 12," it depends on what the file says. If the file states that your mind will be sure to know when you can remove it and when it becomes permanent, then your mind will know. As for accuracy, same goes here. Minds can keep a good track of the days if it is on a regular schedule. Minds (like mine at the moment) that have odd and irregular sleep schedules tend to easily lose track of exactly what day or date it really is. And not to mention you do tend to get the correct day from a calender every once in a while, once again allowing your mind to correct major inaccuracies.

In the long run: What is keeping the hypnosis reliably alive?
g) Do I have to listen to the file constantly over and over again forever? Or will the installed effect (once working properly) sustain itself?
h) Will I still consciously recognize: "This was my old hypnosis-modification" and remember, there were times far away before the install, when it wasn't normal to me? Or won't I even think about it any more?
i) Will the memory of those other times fade away? Or does the hypnosis explicitly have to cancel that memory out? Can hypnosis do that?

It depends on the file and how well you take the suggestion. If the file says the effect will under no circumstances end, or similarly says you won't forget the trigger and its effects, then it will last as well as your mind took that suggestion. I suppose it is possible that one day you remember that you once felt an effect from a file and don't anymore might suddenly bring it back to your subconscious and once again take effect. It might or it might not. To be sure you don't lose an effect or trigger, you can continue to listen to the file it came from as reinforcement. Some files also have additional files specifically for this. As for memories before a modification, it is possible to either remember or forget them on the mind's own. It is also possible for a file to cause you to forget a time or even replace memories from that time. I believe there is such a file on here that replaces memories of a male puberty period with that of a female. considering the mind has to both trash memories and create new ones from complete scratch (not to mention about said subject the male mind knows nothing), this can be a very difficult file for all but the best trancers.
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Postby Angel3052 » July 2nd, 2013, 9:10 pm

Well, I'm trans, and I was wondering, is it actually possible for hypnosis or any of these to cause actual physical changes over time? And if so, could you recommend ones you would consider safe to me, if its not too much trouble? I am an MTF. Please and thank you for your time. Because I saw you mention it can be unsafe before, so I just wanted to know for sure. I am kind of hopeful since I don't have any money to see therapists and and endocrinologist and so on.
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Postby Endo » July 2nd, 2013, 10:11 pm

It's possible to affect your body with hypnosis. But for what you are doing, it'd be better to do it the "normal" way. It's better to have it done professionally through routine, proven measures, than through something experimental that not a lot of people are going to be able to assist if something doesn't work right.
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Postby Alien4420 » February 4th, 2014, 5:02 pm

Angel3052 wrote:Well, I'm trans, and I was wondering, is it actually possible for hypnosis or any of these to cause actual physical changes over time? And if so, could you recommend ones you would consider safe to me, if its not too much trouble? I am an MTF. Please and thank you for your time. Because I saw you mention it can be unsafe before, so I just wanted to know for sure. I am kind of hopeful since I don't have any money to see therapists and and endocrinologist and so on.

I agree with Endo that it's best to do it the official way. Sarnoga's Teeny Weenie is known to reduce testosterone production -- two people here have had it measured -- but as far as I know, it won't increase production of estrogen and progesterone. Also, it reduces the size of the penis and testicles, which can make eventual sex reassignment surgery difficult because it shrinks tissues used to construct the vagina.

If you're young, early 20's or younger, I suggest you see a doctor about taking hormone blockers and, if possible, estrogen/progesterone therapy. The latter will feminize you significantly at relatively low cost and whatever you do eventually you will end up looking more feminine if you begin at an early age. Whereas SRS, breast implants, and the like can be done at almost any age.

There are some breast growth files, but based on the results photos I've seen I don't think they'll give you the results you want.
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new user

Postby tinman123 » March 10th, 2014, 3:54 pm

You may have answered this question somewhere on here, but as I can't find it, I'll ask again.
1) Is it possible that someone cannot be hypnotized or go into trance? Or is it really just a practice thing?
2) I am using Trance Training (Vive) and although it feels like I am definitely going into trance, I do not have any problem moving my legs at the end. Also, I always listen to the files before I try to use them. I'm just not trusting enough to use a file without hearing it first. Is that a problem?
3)I am one of those adult ADD people, do you know if that creates a problem? It is really hard to turn off my brain totally. I have to say its a lot better now than when I started trying. I just don't think I'm the whole way there.

Any information or help would be appreciated. Thanks!!
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Postby Endo » March 10th, 2014, 4:20 pm

Practice. You should even practice your practicing...

Not familiar with that file, and I've always considered myself rather resistant to trance files, but I always felt glued down after EMG's "Orgasm Torture", quite strongly... Perhaps take a look at that one to practice accepting suggestions for immobilization?

Again, practice! However, there are stories from others with the same disorder, and they say that they struggle with this stuff. I'm sorry I can't point to any records ATM, but that's generally what I've experienced. Again, keep going at it, research what others "like you" do to curb it without drugs, there might be some mental techniques. Look into some meditation? I think my TaeKwonDo master used to have attention problems, then he started TKD. Perhaps a martial art may help? Just throw everything at it, and you might get lucky, in hypnosis, and maybe in reducing symptoms overall. With enough training, it MAY be possible to create a state of good focus and relaxation while under trance, and then link that into a trigger or set it as a default mental state. Perhaps.

I hope you managed to make it through that almost-wall of text.
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Re: new user

Postby Alien4420 » March 10th, 2014, 7:43 pm

tinman123 wrote:You may have answered this question somewhere on here, but as I can't find it, I'll ask again.
1) Is it possible that someone cannot be hypnotized or go into trance? Or is it really just a practice thing?
2) I am using Trance Training (Vive) and although it feels like I am definitely going into trance, I do not have any problem moving my legs at the end. Also, I always listen to the files before I try to use them. I'm just not trusting enough to use a file without hearing it first. Is that a problem?
3)I am one of those adult ADD people, do you know if that creates a problem? It is really hard to turn off my brain totally. I have to say its a lot better now than when I started trying. I just don't think I'm the whole way there.

Any information or help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

1. I'm not really sure what he answer is. Well, actually, *everyone* can go into trance since it's a natural state and one that we slip into naturally all the time -- while we're daydreaming, reading a book, watching a movie, what have you.

The question is really whether everyone can learn to go into trance at will and I've read conflicting things. But all sources agree that most people can and I agree with Endo that practice is key, in fact, at this point, I fall into trance so easily that I no longer need the inductions.

A lot of people who are trance resistant have reported success with Bubble Induction, which also gives you a handy trigger phrase to go into trance instantly. I've been listening for a couple of days and I find that it's improving the depth of my trances even though I'm not using it as an induction. So I'd recommend it highly.

2) There are many levels of trance, with different effects. Only a light trance is required for most work. At the opposite extreme, if you want to get out of your chair, open your eyes, and see a room full of butterflies, you need a very deep trance. With practice, your trances will get deeper.

It's pretty common to listen to a file without the induction to make sure that it doesn't contain any suggestions you don't want. A good thing to do, actually. The only reason I can think of not to do it is if you want a surprise suggestion that you don't want. If the file has a suggestion for amnesia at the end, it should still work once you listen in trance. It is the mind that is deciding not to remember and it doesn't matter if it remembered before -- as Freud pointed out, all repressed thoughts begin as conscious ones.

3) I struggle with that too. Sarnoga has a file called "Adderall Boys" that was written to address this problem -- I haven't listened to it but if it's Sarnoga's, it's bound to be good. One useful trick is to repeat the suggestions to yourself, substituting "I" for "you." That helps keep your conscious mind occupied.

However, having conscious thoughts doesn't mean a file won't work, even stray thoughts, as long as your subconscious mind remains for the most part focused on what the hypnotist is saying and open to suggestion. Some hypnotists say they prefer to work with people in light trance, because the conscious mind can be an ally.
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Postby tinman123 » March 10th, 2014, 7:57 pm

Thanks for the great info. I think I do go into the light trance. It feels like it anyway. And I've just started so I guess patience is the key here.
I will try the Bubble induction and see how that works. I do actually repeat what is said in my head and it does seem to help.
Thanks again...I'll keep at it.
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Postby Endo » March 10th, 2014, 9:19 pm

If it seems to help, but you SHOULD be letting go of what's being said. Just let go of everything, if possible.
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Postby tinman123 » March 12th, 2014, 1:55 pm

I tried without concentrating on what is being said...and it seems like "lost time". I wouldn't say exactly say it felt like sleep but it almost seemed like it. Sleeping is not good correct? So I am aiming for something between sleeping and being so awake that I am concentrating too much. It seems like a rather fine line to walk. I am closer to where I need to be it feels like so I will keep at it. Thanks again for the input.
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Postby Alien4420 » March 12th, 2014, 2:40 pm

tinman123 wrote:I tried without concentrating on what is being said...and it seems like "lost time". I wouldn't say exactly say it felt like sleep but it almost seemed like it. Sleeping is not good correct? So I am aiming for something between sleeping and being so awake that I am concentrating too much. It seems like a rather fine line to walk. I am closer to where I need to be it feels like so I will keep at it. Thanks again for the input.

It's a bit hard to describe this but there's a difference between having conscious thoughts buzzing around in your head and paying attention, and also a difference between paying attention with your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. And I think the differences become clearer with practice. You develop a sense for when you're paying attention with the correct part of the brain, rather than the conscious, analytical mind. You are focused on the words, but not thinking about them.

One way of thinking about it is it's the difference between watching a movie and thinking "that's well edited" and watching a movie and becoming so immersed in it that you forget you're watching a movie. The latter is a natural trance. You're focused and aware, but you've given yourself over to the illusion.

So the fact that you aren't thinking consciously doesn't mean that the hypnosis isn't working. On the contrary, as Endo pointed out, it's a sign of a deep trance. You can of course fall asleep, in which case little happens. But if you fall into a deep sleep you probably won't wake up when the file tells you to, and will know on that basis that you went too far. Listening while sitting up can help prevent that, since it's harder to doze off.
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Postby Endo » March 12th, 2014, 2:41 pm

I don't think it's sleeping, it's probably amnesia or dissociation, both of which are well documented. Keep doing that for a while, and see where it takes you. It used to happen to me with files all the time after a while, and I'm not sure how that worked for me.
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Postby Kcenv » June 3rd, 2014, 3:45 pm

New member here looking for advice

Im getting down to 4 or 5 pretty easily now, and body locks seem to work really well...

Ive tried Trig woman, Trig woman 2 and change to woman, all as nice safe looking files.

And havent had any effect.

The only thing that has worked consistently is an online partner has gotten me to body lock very easily and consistently.

But phantom touches, hallicinations and fantasies dont seem to quite click.

My newest test is starting the files up as IM really sleepy, late and night or early in the morning.

any advice?
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Postby Alien4420 » June 3rd, 2014, 3:59 pm

Most suggestions work when you're in a light or medium trance, but hallucinations require a deep trance. So it seems you've chosen some fairly advanced files. You might want to practice with bubble induction, going into a deep trance is a skill that can be learned.
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Postby Kcenv » June 3rd, 2014, 5:26 pm

Alien4420 wrote:Most suggestions work when you're in a light or medium trance, but hallucinations require a deep trance. So it seems you've chosen some fairly advanced files. You might want to practice with bubble induction, going into a deep trance is a skill that can be learned.

Any advice on some nice safe files to try other than bubble induction?

maybe something with trigger of some sort

The one thing that has consistently worked is one of my subs can very easily make me go motionless other than my hands.

Im usually the top or hypnotist, so this is a bit of a new area for me, but im very curious to have some of the fun she is.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 3rd, 2014, 5:45 pm

I'm afraid I'm not the best person to ask about that since I've never listened to any nice, safe files. :-) All of the feminization files I've listened to were designed to have permanent effects. From what you say, I don't they're what you want. Maybe you should ask on the feminization forum?
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Postby Kcenv » June 3rd, 2014, 8:44 pm

Alien4420 wrote:I'm afraid I'm not the best person to ask about that since I've never listened to any nice, safe files. :-) All of the feminization files I've listened to were designed to have permanent effects. From what you say, I don't they're what you want. Maybe you should ask on the feminization forum?

No issue with permanent effects after I know how much it can effect me, but Id really want something that I can do a verifiable test on and a trigger is good because you say trigger, effect happens.

Yeah Analytically, creative mind that doesnt like to shut off... lol...

Ill try bubble induction
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Postby Endo » June 3rd, 2014, 9:09 pm

Bubble's great. I heartily recommend it to anyone who's looking into "trainer" files. Just be careful about advertising the fact that you've listened to it in chat rooms.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 3rd, 2014, 10:23 pm

Kcenv wrote:
No issue with permanent effects after I know how much it can effect me, but Id really want something that I can do a verifiable test on and a trigger is good because you say trigger, effect happens.

Yeah Analytically, creative mind that doesnt like to shut off... lol...

Ill try bubble induction

There's a trigger in bubble induction, it just puts you into a trance but that's plenty of evidence that it works, given the depth of the trance.

Otherwise, I've found that the change files produce effects so strong that it isn't necessary to test them with a trigger. You could try Stroke Sissy if you want a feminizing file with powerful behavioral effects, but be aware that this tries to make you dress full time. If you're OK with changes, there are many others, from files that make you pee in your pants to files that turn you gay.
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Joined: March 25th, 2009, 12:00 am

Postby IWANTHOTDOG » June 4th, 2014, 2:58 pm

Sigh this stuff just doesn't work. I simply can't be hypnotized. I've been trying for years with no success. Apparently I do have some of the symptoms of a trance once in a while, but suggestions have 0 affect on me. I think I'm done with all of this.
Posts: 54
Joined: July 17th, 2006, 12:00 am


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