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Im here to help be a test dummy.

Postby ChubbyGates » December 20th, 2012, 1:21 am

I'm interested in testing out any new hypnosis relating to weight gain.
Ill keep contact and share results and how effective it is.
Want to be used and to be fattened up to a huge weight.
Thankyou for readying.
My email is:
Posts: 2
Joined: August 28th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby Jadit » December 20th, 2012, 9:28 am

Are you serious? Please instead look for files which help you motivate yourself to want a normal slender body. Fat is bad m'kay. Much much worse than smoking or drinking.
Posts: 53
Joined: November 28th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby ChubbyGates » December 21st, 2012, 1:27 am

Thank you for being concerned but its not something that's going to change.
The feeling is amazing and the thought of being bigger is exciting.
I hated being slender when i was younger so the only way my weight is going is up.
Sorry but my mind is made :D
Posts: 2
Joined: August 28th, 2012, 12:00 am

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