Fluid issues?

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Fluid issues?

Postby ohwowno » January 7th, 2013, 8:38 pm

So, I'm not sure where exactly else I should post this, but it falls under help, I guess, so here, maybe?

I've heard what I think i have described as "fluid" gender, meaning it's not a stable identification with either side of the spectrum on a steady basis. Bassically it goes back and forth. Most of the time, it's okay, and I don't have any issue with it. However, being biologically male, sometimes when I swing into the female side of it, i can get pretty depressed, dysphoric i guess. But it's not a constant thing where a permanent solution would solve anything. It's.... complicated.

Anywho, I'm looking to see if anyone has any experience with this, or can recomend any files that might be of benefit? My main thought it looking at this site is that if I could temporarily feel outside more like I do inside that it might help? I didn't want to post this is the "feminization" section, because I don't beleive that's the same thing. I don't need to be trained how to be a girl and that seems to be the predominate topic over there.

Here's to hoping? Thanks.
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Postby ParanoidLord » January 7th, 2013, 10:08 pm

You're the perfect target for temporary transformation type files. If you work with something as simple as TrigWoman (Okay, maybe not simple in terms of mental work required, but the solution isn't too complicated) for those moments when you feel female. To be honest, I don't know about any trigger/temporary based masculinization files, and they aren't nearly as numerous as going the other way around. Regardless, if you don't want permanent changes, you don't even have to risk them.
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Postby danny1988 » February 16th, 2013, 1:14 pm

Heyas, thought I would post some advice here.

Well im biologically male, however I am fluid gender wise I tend to lean heavily female myself, sometimes I can feel very male though well more male haha. I dont know if this is due to hypnosis or me realising certain things about myself but I guess im just me :p

Now I will say this stear clear of any permenant feminisation files, I had a dabble with them and a few months ago I was so so depressed not because I didnt feel right about being female but because I was stuck in a male body and I was very very close to going to transition. Im sort of comfortable again thanks to stopping listening to feminisation files and my hypnotherapist. I tend to embrace my feminine urges far more now too, especially in the clothes department hehe

Atm im happy and content just listening to one file and improving my trancing. I do agree with ParanoidLord female trigger stuff seems like a good option just be very careful with permenant stuff if you do try it.

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