Am I really deep or half asleep?

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Am I really deep or half asleep?

Postby Foxfuz » January 9th, 2013, 12:06 am

Ok, when I'm going into trance; I have trained myself to not consciously critique the hypnotist (it took me a long time to learn to relax my conscious mind because I generally tend to over analyze everything).

I usually listen to hypnosis before I go to sleep at night (but keep in mind that I dont go to sleep right after the hypnosis session as I tend to relese my sexual energy after I trance and then go to sleep).

So, my problem is; I seem to lose the hypnotised voice every now and then during the trance and wind up in a state that is like dreaming but is always phasing in and out. I tend to lose my grip on reality when this partial dreamstate happens and I forget I'm being hypnotized. I usually slip back into reality about 2-3 time and the hypnotists voice comes back into my knowledge.

At the end of the hypnosis file, I either hear the hypnotist say "wake up now" and I do; or I don't remember him say to "wake up" and just get shocked back into reality. When I do get shocked back into reality, I always look at the time (9:00 is when I start and the file runs for 30-40 mins) and I didn't snap back awake late at night. I wake up right on time but sometimes have no memory of the hypnotist saying to wake up.

Also something to note: I was tired all day today, I still listened to the hypnosis track. When I woke I felt more awake. (this could be due to Emg saying to "fell awake and refreshed.")

What I do know on the subject:

I have read on a guide to hypnosis that amnesia can occur at a medium level of hypnosis. It can have a mild rate of natural amnesia when the light and deep state reach the median line of hypnotic depth. When reached at deep levels (very similar to a sleepwalking state) can have a very high chance of natural amnesia).

I have also read that stage hypnotists try to push the idea of a "deep sleep" to the subjects to push a depth of trance. It was also stated that "even in a deep hypnotic state, it is (and most likely will) be possible that the subject in a deep hypnotic state will slowly revert to a more lighter state if the depth isn't constantly being pushed lower. In the case of Emg, he tends to make the subject deep in the beginning and install suggestions in the second part of the mp3.

I do belive I'm successfully being hypnotized, but I want to see what others know about this phenomenon. Am I falling into a deep trance or am I falling a bit asleep.

Extra: I have also read on another site about subjects of hypnotharipists claiming they fell asleep but during the session they were following allthe suggestion when given.
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Postby IAcurious » January 9th, 2013, 8:10 am

It's unnecessary to tell you "It's definitely trance". It's unnecessary because you're going to discover it for yourself. In your own way and in your own time.

That's exactly what each of us must do - discover it for ourselves. And the discovery can be challenging - especially for those with a habit of relying on intellect and analysis.

This experiential discovery of self is something you won't find in a textbook. So, I'm going to tell about my first time.
    - I woke from a nap.
    - The guy who had hypnotized me told about a conversation we had held.
    - I remembered none of it.
    - The details the hypnotist described were accurate and undeniable.

It was alarming and at the same time thrilling. It was alarming to learn I had been napping and yet not napping. It was thrilling to feel success.
Last edited by IAcurious on January 10th, 2013, 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Endo » January 9th, 2013, 4:03 pm

I've been experiencing something similar, and what happens is I either stay "awake" through the whole trance, but it doesn't feel as deep as I used to go (before I started falling "asleep"), or when I do fall "asleep", it feels as if I'm going quite deep, and then sometimes it's like the file's over, or I have some strange dreams that move really quickly. I'm interested in this subject, and I will try what IAcurious suggests. I may do something like a bodyless file, just the Bubble trigger, over and over, some binaurals, no definite awakener, probably set it to loop. I know I didn't start this thread, but thanks for the suggestion, IAC.

Foxfuz: I know we talked a little about this subject a while back, would you mind if we kept in touch about this stuff? It might be enlightening for both of us if we share our experiences.
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Postby Foxfuz » January 9th, 2013, 11:55 pm

Sure endo, just pm me.

Also I did an experiment last night after that sleep like feeling I had. I listened to the enchanted keyboard curse (love that file because of all the possibilities) and I made it so I get erect and really horny whenever I looked at a specific cartoon charecter. The result is supposed to to make me erect automatically without any effort. Before, it just didn't work that well, but after last night I refreshed the suggestion again, opened up my porn bank, and looked at her and I got the hardest erection I have ever felt.

So I defibitly did something right. Also, I had this feeling of a somewhat sleep like state again today. Sept it only lasted for the middle of the file and I remembered the part where I got woken up.

It seems all I have to do to get into a deep hypnotic trance is just listen to the hypnotist and to silence all my thoughts. It seems my problem was that I keeper reminding myself of the things to remember during hypnosis and that seemed to distract me. But now, all I do is simply "listen."

The same effect of feeling refreshed after being tired happened again today. I don't feel very tired at all and I was tired the whole day today.
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Postby danny1988 » February 16th, 2013, 10:49 am


Yeh I find it quite hard not to analzye the file im listening to still its driving me crazy tbh lol.
Some days I feel I go quite deep but its usually due to me being tired and other days im very alert. I have been listening to trance-training-subliminal by dkeiser for about 3 days now and I am tending to find it easier to zone out I think.

I am also thinking of maybe taking the body of my file and putting some music over the top to try and get past my annoying analyzing of what is being said.

I just find it hard not to analysze whats being said.
How did you get past this problem?

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Postby Foxfuz » February 16th, 2013, 11:44 pm

I got past analyzing it by silencing any thoughts that appear in my head. If I start to think about other things I just silence that thought and return my focus back onto the hypnotist.
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