Noobie to files here! (and the obligatory questions)

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Noobie to files here! (and the obligatory questions)

Postby DannSkunk » August 11th, 2013, 6:29 pm

Ok, so I read the "newbie's guide" on hypno files, and like all n00bs, I have questions that probably seem dumb to experienced ... never thought of a title for a person being hypnotized... subjects, maybe? Anywho, I tried my first file today, with... well, I don't know if it's near-success or not, but either way, bear with me here >.<

So, onto the big part of this thread: the looming questions.

First off, I want to ask about position. What is best? I know it depends and your mileage may vary, as it does with 99.9% of all hypnosis-related topics, but what I mean is a more general recommendation. For instance, is it best to be as comfortable as possible? Or do is it preferred to find a "happy medium" between comfortable and neutral? Because you have to relax, and to relax you must at least be minimally comfortable. However, falling asleep is not the same as hypnosis, so would it be optimal to get slightly comfortable to prevent you from falling asleep? Should the room temperature be consistent, and if so, should it be close to perfect?

Second question is mainly about my experience. I listened to the file (still iffy on the terminology, but I will do my best; please feel free to correct me) and the induction didn't seem to work. Or kinda it did. I felt some of the usual feelings associated with hypnosis/trancing, namely feeling like I was levitating. Although, I did feel something strange that didn't appear on the list, and that would be that it felt like my arm was being sucked away, not like with air flowing around it, not like someone was pulling on it, like... I dunno. It was strange. Could this be another "your mind is different from others, it's probably natural for you" situation?

I'm also wondering about what happens to the voice when you're hypnotized... because (this is also about my experience...) when the induction ended (I assumed so, because some kind of background noise started and the hypnotist began to edge slowly to what the file is supposed to do) I could still clearly hear, understand, and follow what he was saying... when you're under, is that what it's like, or does it just fade into the background?

I'm also curious about a few files that are proving elusive for me while using the search function on WMM, and those would be Train Susceptable and the Bubble Induction (which seems to be very popular on WMM?). Both of these, I would like to try... mainly because something else happened while I was trying to go under... and that would be that I listened to the file's induction, and upon finding that I was still lucid, started over again. I played the induction a total of three times, and it was less effective each time, for some reason.

Anyway, I hope to hear back from someone. Other help threads (though not for topics that would prove useful to my specific questions) seemed to have pretty good answers from friendly users. Can't wait to meet some people in the comunity!

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Postby uw_onsterfelijk » August 11th, 2013, 7:14 pm

Hey Dann, some good questions there, here we go...

1)Experiment with several positions and find what's best for you. Whatever position you are in, as long as you are comfortable, but not ready to go to sleep, will work. But note, as you "slip under" relaxing, nothing should hinder you as your extremities become loose and limp.

EXAMPLE: You are sitting at your desk... you put on a session/file... if you start to go under and your head drops forward/backwards/sideways creating a "kink" in your neck that is noticed well, that surely won't work.

Now, I have gone under like that and the trance masked my painful "kink" in my neck and WOW... holy sore neck once the awake count was done!!! Hehe

Try not to trance at your normal "falling asleep" time. While you may see some benefit of the session/file if you fall asleep it's not really hypnosis unless you awaken at the end. The exception being if the trance was designed for you to stay/fall asleep at the end of course.

2)Initial experiences can be quite unique. Trance takes practice and your subconscious mind is simply trying to "figure it out". And so, suggestions can be interpreted in strange ways until you are more adept at going under.

I was hypnotizing a girl once, and in the middle of an arm levitation deepener she completely FREAKED out, POPPED out of trance, and scared the shit out of ME!!! Where only moments before she was totally still and silent!

3)Hearing the hypnotists "voice", and whether it fades out or not, is file/session independent coupled with your state of mind at the time of the listening. As you know, there are many many hypnotists, both male, female and electronic(text-to-speech). As well as different mediums: LIVE sessions, files and text chatting. There's also many differing techniques AND styles. So finding the "right" one for you can be quite challenging. Or sometimes it's easy as pie ;)

What I meant by "state of mind" is that sometimes we are more "in the mood" for trancing than at other times of the day/week.

I can only tell you that I have experienced both great sessions that I can remember fully and... ones that might have well been amnesiatic in nature! The latter being ones I have no clue what the body held as I easily "went down" and then next thing I knew... it was time to be wide awake again. I do so love that.

Train Susceptible:

Calimore's alt version with binaurals:

Lutz's Bubble Induction:

There are numerous versions of each file I might add.

As far as the induction being less effective with repetition... maybe it's a case of "you're trying to hard" at that moment. A bit overzealous??? I don't know really.

Finding the right voice, with the right style and listening at the appropriate time and for the proper length of time are the keys to a wonderful experience. Now, the more "relaxed" your personality is with those circumstances... the easier you will have it ;)

Hope this was slightly informative and helpful, happy future trancing,
- Dan
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Postby DannSkunk » August 11th, 2013, 7:29 pm

Thanks for the answers. They were quite helpful :D

Oh, and the links too. I probably would have never found them without someone who knows what they're looking for, lol.
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Postby zapnosis » August 12th, 2013, 4:45 am

Hi there. Just one thing I'd add to the above. For listening to files, try lying down in your bed. Don't worry about falling asleep until you know it's an issue. You may also find it comfortable to stick an extra pillow under your feet. Give it a try!

"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby DannSkunk » August 12th, 2013, 8:19 am

Well, I have a few more questions that occurred to me after I had time to let the advice sit and stew a while, lol. But the major questions are about the files that someone kindly directed me to...

I'm having trouble figuring out what the Bubble induction will do, precisely. I finally found the original file itself, and its description didn't answer my questions... so I figured I'd pester the experienced people some more! (LOL!) My big question is that, if it's just an induction, then why does it have a trigger? What does the trigger make the subject do? Further, what even is the trigger?

Since (I would assume) the alt. version with binurals probably does the same thing, more or less, no real questions for that one... but on the note of TrainSusceptible, I have a few questions. The main one is how do I use it? Is it meant to be listened to like other hypnosis files and going under? Other posts around the forums imply that it can be looped while doing "safe" things (of course, warns against driving, etc), so which is it? Also, would it have an effect if looped while the subject is asleep?

And a general thing about inductions as well came up... so, let's say (for example's sake) I find the Bubble induction very effective... would it be ok to just take that induction, then play it, followed by a file with the induction missing, to basically substitute in the bubble induction?

I just wanted these questions answered before I start hypno-file training. Don't want to do something I'd regret right out of the starting gate :/
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Joined: August 8th, 2013, 12:00 am

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