what can I do to have success

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what can I do to have success

Postby snow » September 7th, 2005, 6:45 pm

Hello everybody,
I am now listening for the files some induction curses trigger etc. for serveral month now at least 4 day in the week.

I find them quite relaxing bt I dont think that I fall into trance. I feel clear minded all the time and remember everything afterwards. And no results are showing up.

Maybe its because english isnt my native language but I think I am quite good in english and I am thinking english. (I am german).

I read the post about foreign languages and I thin ktoo it should work, but it doesnt.

I really would like to make the experience of trance and get the file to work. Is there anything I can do to achieve success.

I would be nice if someone could help me.

nice greetings Snow
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Postby makidas » September 7th, 2005, 9:35 pm

Well, here's a few suggestions that may or may not help.

1. Copy down the script and record it or have someone record it for you in Deutsch.
2. Download Virtual Hypnotist and type the script in Deutsch and have your computer read it to you.
3. Test your patience and will power and continue listening.

You might also find the files TrainSusceptable or SublimTrainTrance useful. You also might find Brain Wave Generator useful with the first Self-Hypnosis preset. I'm sure there is more, but that's all that comes to mind at the moment. Good luck!;)
I may be wrong....

But what happens if I'm right?
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Postby dharden » September 7th, 2005, 11:04 pm

snow wrote:I feel clear minded all the time and remember everything afterwards.

FWIW, that you remember everything isn't a sign that you weren't in trance.

As for feeling clear-minded, if relaxing and listening to the voice on the file feels like ... just relaxing and listening to the voice on the file, then it does. (I'm assuming that that's part of what you meant by feeling clear-minded. If it's not, please tell me so.)
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Postby MikeWulf » September 8th, 2005, 3:29 am

I'm not sure if you are doing everything quite right. Though most people take a while for the hypnosis to really get going, several months sounds like you are either doing something wrong, or it just isn't right for you. There are alternatives if you would like to hear.
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Postby alloiledup » September 8th, 2005, 3:37 am

What is the alternative? I have been wanting to get FurryTransformation and TrigMass work for me badly. Since I desire them to work, how come they just don't work. I also do not quite understand when I was in trance. It seems in all cases I was wide awake, but I must have got into trance before as 1 curse file did work for me, but I must have been in trance at one point and have taken the sugesstions in, but consciously, I did not feel any difference. Whethere I was in "trance" or not, I certainly didn't feel much difference as I was still awake, but I think there were times I was a little tired and might have been a bit more relaxed that's all. When people are in trance, what is supposedly different in feelings? Are you still awake or not??? Enquiring mind wants to know.

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Postby cardigan » September 8th, 2005, 9:10 am

Trance is an altered state. We all go through trance each day - all by ourselves. So trance is not mysterious in any way, and there is really no sure way to tell if you are in trance. Watching a sad film and crying is an example of going into trance. Having deep thoughts in the car while driving, so you cannot remember the way you took afterwards is another example. Sitting with eyes closed and relaxing so much that the only thing you concentrate on, is what the hypnotist is saying is yet another example. Even though you can remember everything that was said afterwards, and even though you don't feel special. These are light trances.

And then there's deep trance: where a hypnotist can play "virtual reality" with you - and you are not aware of it being non-real - or you forget everything about what happened afterwards.

BUT deep trance is not the only kind of trance, where you get results. Even a light trance can give good results. Especially if you believe that the result is possible and doable. The moment that you start to doubt whether hypnosis is working, is when it stops working!

But for our German speaking friend: I think you should translate the hypnosis scripts to German and record them for yourself - or have somebody do it for you. The results are excellent even when you know it's your own voice. You just have to

1. believe in it
2. relax and not try so hard - just listen casually and let it happen.

Good luck!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby MikeWulf » September 8th, 2005, 9:00 pm

cardigan wrote:Trance is an altered state. We all go through trance each day - all by ourselves. So trance is not mysterious in any way, and there is really no sure way to tell if you are in trance. Watching a sad film and crying is an example of going into trance. Having deep thoughts in the car while driving, so you cannot remember the way you took afterwards is another example. Sitting with eyes closed and relaxing so much that the only thing you concentrate on, is what the hypnotist is saying is yet another example. Even though you can remember everything that was said afterwards, and even though you don't feel special. These are light trances.

And then there's deep trance: where a hypnotist can play "virtual reality" with you - and you are not aware of it being non-real - or you forget everything about what happened afterwards.

BUT deep trance is not the only kind of trance, where you get results. Even a light trance can give good results. Especially if you believe that the result is possible and doable. The moment that you start to doubt whether hypnosis is working, is when it stops working!

But for our German speaking friend: I think you should translate the hypnosis scripts to German and record them for yourself - or have somebody do it for you. The results are excellent even when you know it's your own voice. You just have to

1. believe in it
2. relax and not try so hard - just listen casually and let it happen.

Good luck!
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