best file to induce trance (extreme hardhead!!!)

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best file to induce trance (extreme hardhead!!!)

Postby jordanen » February 1st, 2014, 6:43 am

I have a question...what file is best for induction? My biggest most challenging problem is to totally relax and get into the all-important trance state required for hypnosis. I don't have a problem accepting subconscious suggestion when I do get into trance (which is rare for me.) I'm not sure why I have such severe difficulties simply relaxing, and letting myself go, but I do. Its like having the hugest case of AD/HD in recorded history for me. So, if anyone can help, please reply!! Now, I do have a tip for those who analyze everything like I have a habbit of doing. If you've read this far, great, and thank you! Here's the tip. Before listening to a file, tell yourself this as an affirmation. I am making a willful, valid, choice, which I am free in doing, which i have complete, total, and absolute control of, to accept the suggestions which I am about to receive. I know that any suggestion is reversible in the human mind, and can choose to absolutely allow, or absolutely nullify any suggestion given, subliminally or otherwise. The subconscious mind is more powerful than even scientists and the top psychiatrists can comprehend. It knows what it is doing, and contains all the proper neural processes for anything you wish the brain to accomplish. If my writing sounds like legal-ease, that's what I'm nearly aiming for...I'm writing this post for the most hard-headed of hardheads, the most stubborn of stubborn...the most challenging cases! If my post only helps one person, I've done my job here. Please reply with thoughts and/or opinions...any suggestions and questions are welcomed.
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Joined: January 31st, 2014, 1:00 am

Postby HeadMistress Squirrel » February 1st, 2014, 4:04 pm

As an active hypnotist i find that the people who are most hardest to induce are those who are extremely intellectual. where their mind is always racing and thoughts are a mile a minute. i find in my opinion, if its a text-based hypnosis, that the speed in which you type has to not only be rhythmical but also quick. shoud there be an unbalaced space or gap in timing it may well lead to the subject being unable to or be ejected from trance.

as well i feel that the subjects true desires for whatever effect they wish must be catered to,without straying from the topic. the suggestibility should be smooth and without alteration.

I am aware that no two people are the same as far as trance goes. this is merely my view on it.

as far as files i have been listening to on called Hypnosis Affirmations. even though its a TTS of medium quality, i have it on as a background subliminal and the voice sounds more realistic if the level of volume is less than the main file playing.

I also play several files at once and/or several different file. it has almos a confusion quality to it as your ears and mind are trying to listen to them all conciously and your mind is trying to play catch up.
HeadMistress Squirrel
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Joined: March 4th, 2013, 1:00 am

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