Newbie Questions

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Newbie Questions

Postby Mikki1204 » October 4th, 2014, 11:17 am

Hi Everyone

I'm new to this site, although I have been lurking for a few months while I found my way around the site, read through a few forums and file descriptions etc.

I am a complete and total beginner when it comes to hypnosis -- an out and out newbie -- and as tempting as it is to dive straight in and start listening to files, I intend to take Endo's advice and do some trance training first. However, even before I embark on this adventure, I have some questions:-

1. For trance training, you recommend Bubble or Blank inductions. If push came to shove, which of the two would be your first choice?

2. For trance training purposes, am I correct in assuming that my chosen induction would have to be followed in a playlist by an awakener?

3. I understand that both inductions install a trigger, which when used, will instantly return me to the trance state. I assume that cannot happen accidentally, and will only happen when safe. Is this correct?

4. Eventually, I would like to try my hand at writing files, recorded in my own voice, for my own use, so should the script be written in the first person singular (I, me etc) or in the second person singular (you)? Or would it be better to have them recorded by another (TTS maybe)?

5. In writing my own files, if I decide to use Bubble or Blank's trigger instead of a full blown induction, how do I record the trigger for placing at the begining of a playlist, without going into a trance?

6. As noted above, I would like to try and create my own files in due course, so once I've completed some trance training, and listened to a few innocuous files (are there such things on WMM?) for experience, then I will download some body files, and/or some scripts (yes, I know this requires premium membership) to try and learn the language and syntax of hypnosis. Does this sound like a good idea?

My apologies for the long post and all the questions. As you may have gathered, I'm quite methodical in the way I approach new things, so I may not make a very good subject for hypnosis because of this, but I feel that I have to try.

Best regards
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Postby zapnosis » October 4th, 2014, 4:59 pm

Hi Mikki. Welcome aboard!

1. I must admit that I have little experience of either, but such things are usually down to personal preference anyway. I would suggest that you try both and see which you prefer.

2. That's a good method to start with.

3. Um. Whether these files have a reference to that situation, I'm sure others can tell you. I can't say I've heard of a situation where someone has been accidentally triggered into hypnosis but it is a possibility.

4. Again it comes down to what works for you, but I'd recommend starting with "you" and having them voiced some other way. Personally, I have found my own voice difficult to trance to, it makes me feel too self-conscious. If you are interested in creating files, I must recommend Audacity (available for free on You may be able to use effects (e.g. pitch shift) to distort your voice a little.

5. Um. This isn't magic, it doesn't work that quickly. I think I can say that you'll probably get a feel for such things as you go along. A lot of this stuff comes down to "feel." I imagine you'll need to repeat the trigger a few times at least in order for it to be effective.

6. A little too methodical. See my comment above regarding Feel. This isn't so much like programming a computer. One hypnotist could trance you with an induction and another could use exactly the same words in the same order and have no effect at all.

In summary, mind control is something that you learn about as you go. It follows its own rules. Patience is rewarded... I was listening for 4 years before I "went under," now I can go there in seconds. Don't worry so much. If you're still concerned about losing control after your first trance or three, then you're one of the very few! I hope this was helpful.

Good luck!
"Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead,
no squealing... remember that it's all in your head"
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Postby Milesx3 » October 4th, 2014, 8:11 pm

Hi Mikki! I can't answer all your questions definitively, being as I'm not terribly experienced and virtually no part of hypnosis is rigid, but I've been doing this long enough to know a few answers:

1. It's honestly personal preference. The two files represent the two sides of hypnosis: relaxation and control. Blank is more about relaxing into the trance, the relaxation caused by trance, etc., whereas Bubble is about putting you in trance and then making it clear that you WILL obey. No questions asked. If you have a problem with one or the other, I'd stay away from it, but if you like one or the other particularly, I'd go for it.

2. Maybe. I'm a tist not a sub, and I've only used one file myself (well, two, I've used an induction) and my method of trying to get the file into my subconscious was that I actually put the file on loop while I slept. Some people disagree about how well that works, if at all, but it's something to consider.
The other side of it is also that some files already contain awakeners. I'd recommend listening to certain parts of a file before you actually use it just to check if it's not explicitly stated -- does the file have an introduction? An induction? An awakener? You should cut any of those you don't want out. For example, if you're not using a file as the first in your playlist, and it has an introduction, it may get in the way. If you want to use the trance trigger from your induction, you may or may not want the actual induction in the file (it could function as a deepener if you left it in.) If you want to use another file afterwards, you may want to cut the awakener out. It largely comes down to personal preference.

3. I'm not sure, because I haven't had any accidents, but I would assume it will only happen when safe. Trance is all about the subconscious anyway, and even though the subconscious loves going into trance, I'm sure it will recognize when it's a really bad time to go into trance and help you resist it.

4. Depends, I guess. I'd point out the benefits of using second person like most files, because then you can let others benefit from your work, and in my opinion it would be a little weird for me if I were to hypnotize myself like that. And TTS is good because of the monotone it uses, but the voice is so unnatural I typically only use it for subliminals -- when it's so quiet it doesn't matter.

5. The easiest way would be to record the triggers beforehand...although, as I said, I imagine your subconscious will know that you're trying to say the trigger, not actually trigger it, and won't actually drop you into trance. Also, triggers don't always or even usually work with one use. The Bubble trigger is typically used three times, I believe, but I've said it over a dozen times to a subject, partially to fully trance them, and partially as a deepener.

6. It's a good idea, sure, but you could also just figure it out for yourself. There are plenty of people who want to hypnotize others, or want to be hypnotized. You could join one of those groups and state that it's because you want to learn more about hypnosis, so if you're being a tist your sub knows you're experimenting, and if you're being a sub, your tist can explain things to you before, after, or even during the session to help you out.

So, yeah. A lot of hypnosis is dictated by personal preference. I've given you my own opinion, but I'd recommend listening to other opinions, and past that, determine your own opinions through experience. I hope this helps!
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Postby Fizbin » October 5th, 2014, 12:04 am

The main thing I would add is that Bubble is a control file with a very publicly known trigger. I wouldn't use it unless you want to open your SELF up to being used. Instead, I suggest Blink's Basic, as hat doesn't have any control implications or secret triggers and payloads. In that case, you would follow the induction with the effects you want, and an awakener.
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Postby Milesx3 » October 5th, 2014, 1:50 am

To be fair, almost any file on this site that contains a trigger is like that. But it's a simple matter to not publicize what files you have listened to, unless you're listening to a file that makes you want to tell others that you've listened to it. And trance triggers are the most useful since it means you don't have to include an induction in every trance playlist (although you might anyway due to personal preference).
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Postby Mikki1204 » October 5th, 2014, 3:58 pm

Thanks guys. You've all been really helpful. I'll let you know how I get on in due course.

Best regards
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