by ProfessorPig » March 6th, 2015, 12:37 am
There are a ton of great files on here. what will be the most effective file on here for a given person will vary greatly from person to person. many of the files that have the strongest reputation for being powerful might not be for everyone. vive's dumbing down series, curse of the teenie weenie, lutz's bubble induction, the list goes on. perhaps the best place to start is by telling us what you are interested in.
if you want to brows through the available files these is a pretty good search feature available. just click the files button on the main menu on the left of the screen. if you hover the cursor over it another sub menu will pop up, you dont want the sub menu to get to the search feature though. another good place to browse for files is the 'whats hot' button within the aforementioned sub menu of the files button.
as others have mentioned you should probably brows through the success stories forum. this is a great place to get a feel for what files work and what files people have had trouble with.