Any advice for Enchanted Keyboard?

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Any advice for Enchanted Keyboard?

Postby FantasyRevan » March 2nd, 2015, 4:57 am

So I listended to enchanted keyboard awhile back and it somewhat worked so I praised it etc. But everyfile only seems to work the first time or two, since then I seem unable to get normal hypnosis files to work. However, Silent subliminal ultrasonic or whatever stuff seems to somewhat work, so I converted enchanted keyboard in a ultrasonic version, but I'm a massive noob and doubtr it works. It worked the first time and hasn't really since, I lisented to my subliminal version everyday for a few hours as I thought repetition is the key to getting a curse like enchanted keyboard to work, but it never really sunk in, I stopped for a bit an am now trying it again and would like some advice on how I can increase the effects and make them really sink in, I have a short attention span and have trouble being hypnotised so i'd prefer something subliminal thats really strong. thnx guys.

So yeah I just read that introduction to hypnosis page in help with files, probably shoulda done that a year ago, but I realise I cant rely on subliminals and I need to use the proper file, any advice on how to trance easily and boost the files effects?
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Postby ThatoneGurll » March 5th, 2015, 1:37 am

I've been trying to get it to work as well.
What types of things are you writing down?
I learned a few things about the file.

The shock of it working might actually stop it from working again.

It seems to not work for me as well but it kind of does at the same time.
THe last few times i listened to it I ended up just falling asleep.

Things to try:

Transformation that's temporary
Slight changes in mindset/outlook
Things that happen over time.
Making yourself forget something simple and saying you'll remember it later and also that you'll eventually remember that you wrote you'd forget. making yourself forget you wrote it down is important to.

I realized that if I can't conciously remember what I wrote I can't resist it
I've only made myself forget I did things a few times.
But my mind starts snapping to whatever I write it's an odd sensation.

Sometimes the file randomly plays back in my head and I feel it's effects way more.

Try reinforcer.mp3 from the non adult site. That one seems to have made all my hypnosis work more strongly.. which is in a way good but another way bad.

Write down exactly what you want before you listen to the file and write down that you'll forget you listened to it an hour after anything you write.
Write what you want to happen to your MIND.
Use words that you relate to more strongly.

Listen to it right before you go to bed.
Before you do anything and when you first wake up listen to it.
do this for like two or three weeks straight.
I began feeling odd sensations in my mind like part of my brain was taking over my perception for me and changing my outlook.
I was trying to transformations and actual hallucination though.
Not many people report they've been able to hallucinate.
Writing down that the changes will be real to you and that there's nothing that can interfere with the changes also helps.

As for attention span.. that can be hard. Your mind needs to actually take in the information.
Try listening to the file consistently though even if you get bored.
And be persistent.. sometimes it'll just randomly start working for me out of nowhere.
I can't stop writing things down but some of the things i'm writing down have become a bit silly and pointless.

Try using it to make another hypnosis file stronger.
Ie "I will listen to this file and when I do it will totally effect me and I won't be able to stop it"
or try writing down something like "for the next two hours my whole mind will go blank and all I will be able to do is be hypnotized by this file. " then listen to it.. and let it really sink in.
You can get pretty creative
Other things i've wrote
"I'll stop hesitating and be more socially confident and brave with how I interact with people and have the courage to do things I wouldn't normally do when interacting with people and try new things"

Changing your gender/mentality temporarily might work.

Making yourself TEMPORARILY forget and make sure you write temporarily , could be an interesting thing... if you want hypnosis to really hit you hard because while your in that state (I will forget everything I know and only be able to be hypnotized for a few minutes then I will snap back to normal and if I don't then I will fall asleep and wake up normal only with the hypnosis effects deeply ingrained into my head)

You can do stuff like that.
"I will taste the flavor of strawberry physically for the next five minutes"
you can try things like that to.
Do anything and everything you can little things first and try seeing what your mind changes and what it doesn't.
The things that don't work might just be things your mind hasn't been trained to be able to do yet..
Research a bit about brain plasticity.
Did you know that doing new things with your mind even under hypnosis takes alot of effort sometimes because your brain has to actually re wire itself and create new neuronal circuits to deal with that information.
Our brains aren't magic ;)

So yeah. And read about success stories.
I found hypnosis files began working on me more when I read success stories. It's highly faith based... or atleast partly faith based.
And partly the way your own mind works .

So keep trying and let me know what happens okay? I'd love to hear from someone else using that file.
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Postby fearghus » March 5th, 2015, 3:58 pm

It's a great file for small changes. When you start using it, try easy things that you might coincidentally have happen anyway ... it will reinforce success.

First time I tried it, I typed something like 'i will be compelled to hold my hand up for ten straight minutes' ... trigger ....

Well, I figured that if I did that, I would hold my hand up and ten minutes would be enough to be doable, but annoying and eave me feeling ridiculous.

So ... up went my hand, and I didn't feel like I was 'compelled' ... but at the same time, I didn't feel ridiculous. More like I felt ... "I COULD put my hand down, but I just don't want to"

Further listening and triggered written commands worked as well.

Start small, and the file is REALLY good for reinforcing other files!
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