Help: It says I have 0 files?

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Help: It says I have 0 files?

Postby ririwinter » March 25th, 2021, 5:03 pm

Hey, wondering if anyone can help explain this to me.

I recently came back onto my account and it says I have 0 files even though I have downloaded some before and also, I've bought some before. They've just vanished...? But I purchased some. :(

Helpp! Thank you.
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Joined: March 25th, 2021, 4:58 pm

Re: Help: It says I have 0 files?

Postby EMG » March 25th, 2021, 6:56 pm

I just checked, you do have files and should still have access. Just go to Your Account -> Your Purchases and it should list them. The system doesn't track previous downloads so those you'd just have to find and download again.
No matter where you go, there you are.
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