About Subliminals

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About Subliminals

Postby cpinnappyandplasticpants » August 1st, 2022, 2:21 am


I'm listening to a file which has no introduction but there are both Subliminal and Binaural versions also. Does the Subliminal also contain brainwave entrainment, the background drone? The file is the Plusmbr "Curse Bed Wetting" file. What effect should I have from the Binaural ? Is there an optimal time to listen for best effect?

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Re: About Subliminals

Postby Jackstock » August 1st, 2022, 2:52 pm

I'm listening to a file which has no introduction but there are both Subliminal and Binaural versions also.

I would listen to the regular version, if it has audible words. It should work better.
Does the Subliminal also contain brainwave entrainment

Send a message to the author. They might be the only one that knows this.
What effect should I have from the Binaural ?

A binaural typically helps you to drop deeper or align your brainwave closer to the audio wave pattern (which generally boosts effects)
Is there an optimal time to listen for best effect?

It depends on the person. You might have to find your own optimum time, like maybe before bed (but not during sleep. I wrote an article on TransformHypnosis about why you shouldn't do that)
But typically, the best time to listen is now.
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Re: About Subliminals

Postby cpinnappyandplasticpants » August 2nd, 2022, 8:39 am

Thanks for your reply Jack,

The subliminal version has audible words and I think more words just below the varying drone. The file is old and the author doesn't appear to be contactable. The file has no information on the description on what it does, I listened just because of the title as I do want to become night diaper dependant the other elements were a nice bonus and very welcome.

I really want to maximise the chances of this working for me, I'm not a particularly good subject as none of the files I've tried so far have had any success.
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Joined: September 19th, 2018, 7:52 am

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