File to make all hypnotists sound like the same person

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File to make all hypnotists sound like the same person

Postby mikehammer » December 9th, 2022, 11:27 am

Hi all,
The wife and I are having fun dipping our foot in into hypno, and I've done some short quick affirmations that I put in in playlists, but they never fail to startle her awake—though going to another voice doesn’t seem to affect her as much. She even said after it occurred "I heard you in my music" but did eventually seem to forget about it. But I still would rather her stay completely under.
I found the various "over to next file" options that we'll try out, but I was wondering if it would be easier to just have her hear all the hypnotists as the same person—me ideally. I searched around using stuff like "Lover’s voice" and such but didn’t seem to find what I was looking for. Is there something like this somewhere or am I out of luck?

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Re: File to make all hypnotists sound like the same person

Postby Jackstock » December 11th, 2022, 2:22 pm

It's awkward because it's unnatural. You're trying to make something happen without doing much actual effort. Make full files yourself instead of quick little affirmations.
It's quite normal to be mesmerized by someone and then appreciate the things they have to tell you. It's not human to build trust with one person and then just listen to the next random person's suggestions.
It's possible to do what you are looking for, to train her into accepting suggestions from another hypnotist. But in this situation, that other hypnotist is you, and you need to train her to listen and comply with you hypnotically, and that is best done by practicing it together regularly.
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Re: File to make all hypnotists sound like the same person

Postby mikehammer » December 11th, 2022, 9:53 pm

That makes a lot of sense, thank you.

I'll keep running my quick affirmations on and once she (hopefully) gets used to it, I'll start pushing them longer, etc.

Much appreciated!
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