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some questions for a beginner so please help T_T

PostPosted: September 22nd, 2012, 9:28 pm
by babykisa
I have some questions regarding files/hypnosis
1.schould you listen to files in your language or doesnt it matter ?
2.I want to experience a baby regression so which one would be best?
3.does it matter if you breathe manually or not?
puh thats all
thx in advance :D
oh and I hope its not in the wrong forum

PostPosted: September 27th, 2012, 9:44 pm
by WME3
Starting out are you? That's wonderful to hear! Getting into hypnosis is pretty easy actually, as most of what is done is told to you as you go. As long as you relax and pay attention to what they are saying, you will be satisfied (or not, depending on what you are here for).

As for communication (Listening and directing)it would be important if the person giving the commands and the person receiving them understood each other. :P
If english is not your 1st language, it won't stop you from experiencing a trance, but the suggestions may be misinterpreted, so what you want to experience may in fact be completely different than what you hear.

While you are listening, weather you're thinking a lot during trance or not, its best to take the suggestions literally, so as to not mix up or break trance.
Using the patterns of breathing as you said yourself as an example, following along with the hypnotists suggestion to breathe would help induce a better trance, as you will gain a sense of trust with the speaker, thus allowing yourself to become more comfortable and achieve a deeper state.

If you're interested in AB/DL, there is a sub-forum in diaper/incontinence where you can delve deeper for this, as well as plenty of files listed in the same category that will point you in the right direction.

If you REALLY need direction, you can always ask for someone to hypnotize you; a real person could help lead you into the world of trance and answer questions much better than an MP3 ever could ;)

And don't be afraid to ask questions!
Enjoy! I hope you find what you are looking for!

PostPosted: November 10th, 2012, 7:51 pm
by babykisa
Thanks WME 3

this is enough advice for starting out :D

I´ll ask in the diaper/incontienence forum for good baby files.