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Help with files.

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2012, 8:20 pm
by lemexican243
I need help. I've been listening to files like instant wetting and the bedwetting curse but i cant get in the trance or even be hypnotized at all really. i try and relax and all that but my brain just doesnt

PostPosted: October 3rd, 2012, 10:52 pm
by KIY
How long have you been trying? I seem to recall that when I was learning self hypnosis (primarily from a book my parents had), it took me a while to figure out how to stop all the racing thoughts and stuff in my brain. (I had/have anxiety disorders, and maybe some other stuff [I think I may be bipolar, but haven't been diagnosed.])

If you have been working at it for some time, you might want to try different inductions. (There are some hypnotists on here that other people swear by, but whose files just plain don't work for me.) There seems to be a great deal of variety with regard to how peoples' minds work.

Those are just a couple thoughts I had. Your mileage may vary, and there are a lot of folks on here more knowledgeable than me.

Good luck.

PostPosted: October 7th, 2012, 11:06 pm
by Foxfuz
If you want your mind to stop thinking and concomitant on the hypnotist, try this. Close your eyes. Think of nothing at all. If a thought pops into your head, silence it. If you start to think of anything just silence the thought and continue to think of nothing.

It's the same concept for hypnosis, the only thing you do different while listening to a file is once you stop a thought, return your attention to the words of the hypnotist.

If you need any more help pm me and I will help you.