How to tell what level of hypnosis files I can take on

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How to tell what level of hypnosis files I can take on

Postby hypotoad » December 5th, 2012, 3:49 pm

Hey Ive been interested in hyponosis for a little while now and I have always wanted to try the tentacle files. but they never really worked. I mean listening to the descriptions always made me horny but I never really got any reaction

in fact I didnt get reactions from most files until recently

I now know that in order for the hypnosis to work depending on how hard you are to hypnotise it takes a bit of practice and you have to build up to the tougher files. you have to be able to have small triggers effect you before the large ones.

anyways. I was wondering if there were any good files to test how close I am to my goal of tentacles. So far I know that I can go into an extremely relaxed state very easy, and I can do things such as feel my hand lifted into the air by something else.

anyone have any suggestions?
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Joined: March 26th, 2012, 12:00 am

Postby Foxfuz » December 5th, 2012, 11:13 pm

STOP: worst thing you can ever do in hypnosis is over analyze it. Sorry if that sounded harsh :P. Look, everything you do in hypnosis is self hypnosis. In other words, you are doing all these things to yourself. You cam take on any file but if you are not pay attention to the hypnotist or over analyzing the hypnosis then the effects may not work because of you being distracted.

Now, I have been practicing hypnosis for about a year now (been interested in it all my life) and I'm just getting hypnosis to work. Why you may ask? Because I follow 3 steps: 1) follow each suggestion to the best of your ability, this means to follow directions from the hypnotist (example: if he asks you to relax your foot, make your foot relax. If he asks you to imagine something, then imagine that image or felling. Don't stress yourself though or try too hard, just follow directions). 2) don't ever overanalyze the session or how the hypnotist is putting you under. (because if you think about something like, how deep you are or if it's working, then your distracted on those thoughts then what the hypnotist is currently asking you, save those thoughts for after the session). 3) silence your thoughts and listen to the hypnotist (if a thought pops up in your head then silence it, you are getting distracted by your own thoughts and not listening to the hypnotist. Also don't get distracted by outside stimuli such as noises or smells or whatever).

Let me give you an example about the tentacle Henti file you want to work (or if that's the one you ment). While the hypnotist is putting you under, follow what he is saying to do and give it concern like if he or she is actualy there. If the hypnotist asks for you to imagine your somewhere then make yourself imagine your, let's say, walking down some stairs. Then when you get to the suggestions as he or she tells you to imagine your a girl, or however it starts, and follow along as you follow instructions and feel the sensations.

I would like to hear about the specifics and help you any further. You could reply to this or send a private message (pm's are more reliable to reach me) . I would love to hear progress and if you need any more help. I check here constantly and I will get to you asap.
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