Focusing vs. Blacking

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Focusing vs. Blacking

Postby Endo » December 10th, 2012, 5:25 pm

I've been trancing for a while now, and while it feels like the sessions in which I stay aware through the whole file are more effective, I often black out soon after the inductions, and "wake up" partway through the next induction in my playlist.

I have my files set up so that there is "Calimores Bubble Trigger Test" with the awakener at the front of the file, the body of the file and an awakener, then "CBTT" running looped in the background at a low volume, as well as a binaural frequency that starts at 22Hz and drops to a lower frequency over 6 minutes, then I loop the last minute of that for the remainder of the file.

So I guess my question is this: I saw a post that said that blackouts were generally more effective, and I saw DKaiser's post that (I think) didn't mention blackout stages. SO, which is really more effective, staying "awake" for the whole file, or "blacking out" for the file?
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Postby Foxfuz » December 10th, 2012, 11:01 pm

I tend to think of it as, do you learn more from listeing to a teacher or falling asleep? Obviously you would learn more staying awake and attentive. Not sure about depth of trance makeing you black out but I do remember that deep levels of trance do resemble the state of sleepwalking.

I think of trance being deep if you are very suggestive to suggestions and believing them or feeling like your perception is changed. If your laying down you should try not to fall asleep because it's natural for us to fall asleep laying down.

Not too sure about blackouts. I personally stray from blanking out because I lose focus on what the hypnotist is saying when I blank out and everything you do during hypnosis you are doing to yourself. Are you seeing images when you blank out or do you feel like you just teleport in time?
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Postby Endo » December 10th, 2012, 11:52 pm

It's sort of like "teleporting through time", I'm definitely not aware of the time passing.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 11th, 2012, 11:05 pm

Ok, I did some research on the matter. You my be experiencing amnesia after the trance. It's said to be common. Also there have been reports from hypnotherapists that when their subject fell asleep (or thought they fell asleep) they were still makeing progress and following suggestions. So I wouldn't worry about it personally, but what you want to look for is when the hypnotist asks you to wake up and you do then you were in a trance and hear everything.

Also the same hypnotharipists said that the suggestions worked better when the subject was more active in the listing when they are told to preform a task or something that requires you to do something on your part.

Hope that hellped. Also, best to not over analyze anything and turn off all thoughts and listen to the hypnotist. Other than following each suggestion to the best of your ability you should be fine.
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Postby ParanoidLord » December 12th, 2012, 12:01 am

I know that awareness is better than the lack thereof when it comes to hypnosis. Currently, however, my really 'good' trances always seem to put me in a weird, hypnagogic/REM state. I'm clearly conscious in some way, but my mind is wandering and hallucinating; often it's only tangentially related to the content of the file. Whenever I fall out of this state into a lighter state of trance, I'm aware that I drifted into it, but I can't remember when or how it happened, and I certainly can't remember (except only vaguely) the contents of the hallucinations.

Basically, this tells me two things: I either need to somehow get the hallucinations 'on track', or I need to experiment with using hypnosis to initiate lucid dreams. Maybe both at the same time.
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Postby Endo » December 12th, 2012, 12:28 am

Thanks guys. I guess I'll keep working towards better focusing.
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Postby Foxfuz » December 12th, 2012, 6:12 pm

REM is good for hypnosis and can be used for relearning. That's why the swinging pendulum is used by hypnotists. It replicates rem and is very effective.
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