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several questions!

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2005, 7:22 pm
by NeKofLiP

1.sometimes , i cant remember anything that happened , and im about 95% sure im falling asleep , but the other 5% is telling me that i wouldnt wake up a couple minutes after the file stopped playing , and just sleep through the whole night.
am i sleeping , or going deeper?'- '

2.upon bringing me out of trance , nothing seems to be happening , so i simply have to force myself to move to regain proper conciousness.
why is this so?

3. i have been listening to trighornyschoolgirl for almost a month now , and im not sure whether its self-triggerable or not , and i cant work up the courage to ask someone to say it to me because i will seem crazy/stupid , and when i whisper it to myself , nothing seems to happen.
is it because im not imagining the girl im supposed to clearly enough , or is it some other reason?

sry for the long post...

Re: several questions!

PostPosted: November 24th, 2005, 5:23 am
by cardigan
1. If you "come back" when he tells you to wake up, or shortly afterwards, you were hypnotised. When hypnotised it is a good sign, that you don't remember anything.

2. When coming out of a trance, you might feel that your arms and legs are very heavy, but just try gently to move them, and you should be in control very quickly. This is quite normal.

3. Some files need listening to for a long time. You might try to combine the file with a deepener. Above all: keep trying and don't lose faith.