Noob here. Some questions.

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Noob here. Some questions.

Postby Neoteros » December 31st, 2012, 12:10 pm

I got to know this website via a social network, and thought that what you do there was bullsh*t. Then, I saw some success stories, and told to myself: "Why not? I can try and see for myself if it's bullsh*t or not". Obviously, before buying files, I need to know what I have to do. There are guides and FAQs, of course, but I think that I will understand better, if it's someone who has already done this sort of thing to tell me what to do. So, I ask you: what do I have to do in order to get hypnotized? And: are there files that can help me get... you know, bigger below the belt? I'm doing this jokingly, but after seeing the success stories I'm kind of interested. I'll let you know if it works or not. ;)

Hey, happy new year guys.
Posts: 11
Joined: December 31st, 2012, 1:00 am

Postby Endo » December 31st, 2012, 1:45 pm

Well, there are free files. What you need to know is this: It's not going to work with only one listen. You will need to listen at least once a day, for at least a week (rough estimate based on what seems to be average suggestibility) for a file's effects to be noticeable. Also, if you've never experienced hypnosis, it takes some getting used to. Your mind probably won't have the same ability to process hypnosis as well as someone who's been trancing for several months, years, etc.

So here's where I'd start: Listen to some files that will improve your ability to accept trance. Some of these are: Blank, Bubble, Accelerator, Moldable Mind (one that I made), and quite a few others. Some of these-Blank, Bubble-will put you into a trance, then give you a trigger phrase that will put you back into trance quickly. This can speed things up quite a bit, but if you don't listen often enough to get the full effects of the trigger, then your trance will be shallower when you use the trigger, which means that the file you're using it with will be less effective.

Some of the other files in that list, like Accelerator, will put you in trance, then install suggestions in your mind that will improve your ability to accept the changes being made to your body/mind. Others, like Moldable Mind, are files that aren't meant to be actively listened to. They're what we call subliminal files, and they work by NOT letting you hear what you're supposed to hear. The message is covered up or disguised so that it bypasses your conscious filters, and goes straight into your subconscious, theoretically making it much more effective.

Once you've gotten used to going into trance with one of those files, which are also making you more accepting of the effects of hypnosis, then you can get to the fun stuff. There are a few "male enhancement" files on the site, and they aren't hard to find, as our file search engine is quite complex.

As for what to expect while "trancing", or going into the suggestible state known as hypnosis: you will usually remember everything. There are a few cases in which people experience amnesia or go so deep into trance that they black out (not like real sleep, it's a little different), but most people "wake up" and remember everything. You will feel very relaxed, that's the first stage. Your body feels heavy, and you feel rather lethargic, like you don't want to move, or almost like you CAN'T move. If you tried to move, you would feel too lazy to do so. If you summoned enough willpower, you could break the lethargy, but you would also break the trance. After that, you may feel like your body is in a position it's not actually in. Some other stuff happens as well, your mind will focus more on what the speaker is saying, and less on other things.

And now, as for what YOU need to to to be hypnotized: You'll need a file and a player of some sort to play the file. I just put mine on my ipod. If the file you choose has binaurals in it, just listen with headphones. Binaurals help relax you and make you more suggestible. Then, find a comfortable place, maybe a chair, couch, or bed, get comfy, then start the file. Crack whatever joints need to be cracked before starting, maybe do a few stretches as well. Start the file and just listen. Most people close their eyes. Some inductions want you to do some things other than listen, like finding a spot on the wall, controlling your breathing, blinking slowly, stuff like that.

If you don't trust the file (or author) then listen to it, skipping past the induction, and hearing (completely awake) the contents of the file. Then you can reassure yourself that there is nothing "wrong" with the file.

Good luck, and most importantly, remember this: It's never instant results, don't get mad that it's not working quickly, and remind yourself that you WANT what the file says.
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Joined: December 12th, 2011, 1:00 am

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