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Newbie looking for a little advice.

PostPosted: April 7th, 2013, 10:19 pm
by bookreader231490
I've been trancing on and off for over a year now, never had much success. After finding this site I've gotten a lot more success relatively quickly, but I'm having a few issues. Firstly, I seem to have trouble getting any suggestions or triggers to work, even while I'm in trance, with the exception of amnesia triggers. Amnesia triggers work great, maybe even a little too well . . . but even the trigfreeze2 trigger that was suggested as a way to get used to trance doesn't have any effect on me, and it's the file I've listened to most. Is this just a coincidence in that I'm getting a deeper trance in those files that have the amnesia triggers, or is something really weird going on?

Also, I'm really confused about the Blank with Binurals file. I think it's working, but I'm not entirely sure I'm not falling asleep. Every time I listen to it, I completely lose everything from about half-way through until just after the awakener, I don't even remember the awakener itself. It feels like I go straight from the introduction of the file to the very end. (in other files that have amnesia triggers I remember the awakener. I also feel the missing time in those other files, whereas with blank I'm just gone, though since that's the way the file is supposed to work, I think that's a good thing) Does this mean the file is making me Blank like it should or am I falling asleep or is that just the way amnesia triggers work when a person is really deep? I know trance is a little different for everyone, but I really don't have the time to waste if I'm just falling asleep.

Also, I've found that even though the file says I'll stay blank during the next file, if I put a file after it I come right out of trance at that same point, anyway. Would editing the awakener out of the file "fix" that or not?

Thanks for your help.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2013, 8:43 am
by Endo
There is a chance that amnesia is not the "proper" style of trance for YOUR mind. I'm sure that there are some people who it works well for, but your mind MAY respond better to suggestions when you are consciously aware of those suggestions being planted.

Edit: Heh, 69th post.

PostPosted: April 8th, 2013, 9:13 am
by HypnoCactus
It could be that you have found one aspect that can be exploi....expanded on. Different people have different shoes that fit, that's why it's difficult to write a file, because one size most definitely does not fit all and the most vocal in the reviews tend to be the ones that are not affected in the way intended.

Now, it sounds as if you are going into trance if you are waking at the time the wakener finishes. You can edit the mp3s in audacity to trim the wakener out. Note that you may want to experiment with trimming out the induction of the preferred file as well. The change in file can be a disturbance in and of itself as they generally are at different volumes and the change in voice alone can cause a disturbance, but who knows until you try? ;)

Now as for expanding on your ability to forget. In the files to trigger statue/doll type responses, you may respond better to forgetting that you wanted to move you arm. The self-reinforcing trigger would be that every time you thought about moving an arm, you would be distracted by another thought or simply forget that you wanted to. And the reinforcement suggestion to the subconscious mind would be "feel how easy it is to forget, and each time it get's easier as you forget how to resist more and more." It could be quite potent for you. Message me if you want to chat more about it.