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File to Ejaculate makes me pee?

PostPosted: April 13th, 2013, 2:48 am
by asdacarpark
Dunno if this is supposed to happen but im assuming not otherwise the file probably would have said pee not orgasm. Last night I tried the DEV Orgasm for Men with WickedVoyce, then when it told me to ejaculate at the end i peed myself on both occasions. All this does is piss me off. I don't want to have some pee in my bed especially not through choice. So I was wondering if anyone had this problem or a way to fix it or not. The only clue I can give is maybe the fact the file didn't give me an erection was the problem it made it warmer and tingle yet no hardness so maybe that made it pee, either way its annoying so please help.

PostPosted: April 14th, 2013, 5:29 pm
by TheTurretCube
I had the exact same problem with LRFemaleOrgasm

I think it's due to the lack of bodily control, that when we do tense out crotch area, we force piss out instead of or as well as cum.

I was up half the night drying my bed and blanket XD

I guess make sure you pee before you trance, and if that doesn't work then maybe try to embrace it. It still feels awesome right?

PostPosted: April 14th, 2013, 9:10 pm
by ParanoidLord
Alternatively, you might want to try working with some orgasm files that promise a dry climax, potentially augmented with files designed to improve your ability to do such. This assumes, of course, that the experience of ejaculating isn't directly part of what you're looking for.

Also, the idea of peeing against your will pissing you off is pretty good use of the English language.

PostPosted: April 17th, 2013, 10:27 am
by asdacarpark
Thank you for the responses, glad to see I am not the only one who had these problems and yes I tried peeing beforehand and that doesn't I suppose the amount of drink I have before bed wont help but even if I stop it still happens. Also yes the ejaculation isn't what I was looking for at all mainly the feeling so I will look for a dry climax. Didn't even see the pissing me off joke in there haha well spotted.