First and foremost, I have been playing around with hypnosis from this site for about a month now. I started with random attempts at the inductions and files, and as my desire and interest grew, so did my determination. Now, I listen to a set playlist daily, at least once usually twice <When I wake, and when I go to sleep> My playlist includes: Lady Rio's reading of the Focus Induction, Deepening2 <A recent addition>, Accelerator, Train Susceptable and Furry Transformation. I usually repeat the induction a few times.
My experiences seem random.. ranging from complete relaxation, to no real change noticible, to as far as I can tell, unconciousness. Sometimes I seem to slip in and out of conciousness randomly during some files Sometimes I even slip out of conciousness for my entire playlist... except the last file.
No matter what happens I always seem to 'come to' about halfway through the furry transformation file. No matter how many files in my playlist. It happened before I added deepening, and happens now.
I realise this is a fairly long post and I appologize, so I'll get to the point.
1.) I know alot of people do this, I have once or twice, but I'll do it again... any tips or suggestions for improving my trances and the files effectivness? <PM me if you like, we can even set up messenger conversations>
2.)Why does the furry transformation file always seem to snap me out of it? Its the only file of the list that never fails to bring me up.
3.)Is the fact that I appear to go out of conciousness a good thing, or signifying something amiss? Also... is the randomness showing improvement?
4.)Anyone else out there having similar experiences, or can recall anything similar during their.. early periods of hypnosis?
Thanks for putting up with my long post, and any answers or comments are appreciated.