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difficulty whith hypnosis

PostPosted: June 24th, 2013, 6:10 pm
by martinpie15
I still find it difficult to be hypnotized. I don't even know what you are supposed to feel when listening to a file. The only thing I can focus on is listening to the file and being relaxed. Besides that I don't feel anything else. Can someone tell me how to go under and be hypnotized easier and what I should fell when I am being hypnotized.

PostPosted: June 24th, 2013, 7:34 pm
by Endo
Practice. Pure and simple, practice. I'd suggest you try out Bubble, if you haven't already. It has a very long and subtle induction, so it should be great for your purposes. You'll go under slowly and you can get pretty deep.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2013, 11:37 am
by lew897
Your going to have to improve your relaxation and over time it should quite amazing feeling. There are tons of ways people do this. Subliminals help a bit. An hour at a time seems optimal.

PostPosted: June 28th, 2013, 12:18 am
by Foxfuz
The feeling of being in trance can differ from person to person but what it feels like is not the point of being hypnotized. Don't focus on how trance feels because that is distracting you from the hypnotists

To go into a deep trance; try keeping your focuse on the hypnotist, if your mind starts to think of words then just silence it and return your focus to what the hypnotist is saying. You can't be analytical during hypnosis because that will prevent you from going into a deep trance.

On another note, you described your experience with hypnosis to be a relaxing one. Hypnosis is supposed to be relaxing and your not really supposed to feel anything during hypnosis unless instructed by the hypnotist to feel something.

In conclusion I would suggest to you to not think about what trance feels like. If you must analyze the hypnosis session then analyze it after you are awakened from the hypnotic trance, don't analyze it during.

PostPosted: June 29th, 2013, 8:25 pm
by Alien4420
Good tips. I'd suggest too listening to EMG's Train Susceptable daily, it covers all the elements (relaxation, not thinking, focusing on hypnotist's voice, ignoring outside world, obedience, etc.) and each time you listen to it it trains you to go into a slightly deeper trance. Trance is a natural state, what we experience when we forget we become so involved in a movie that we forget we're watching one, but getting there reliably in hypnosis is an acquired skill.

I guess I'd add that you don't necessarily notice *anything* in a light trance, hypnotists regularly have to tell the subject to do something like raise their arm to demonstrate to them that they are. And a light trance is fine for many suggestions. Deep trance is different for everyone but you will know it when you're there.