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How files are priced or marketed as premium?

PostPosted: June 25th, 2013, 4:54 pm
by TheAgent308
First off,I am a stalker of the forums, I read the posts but never have replied...anywho

I was wondering how files are designated as premium, or how the price of the files is determined? The reason being I have some hypno scripts that I am working on with a intro technique that I have not fount on the site yet and that I eventually want to post.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2013, 4:59 pm
by Endo
Price is determined by the poster, all files are premium when posted, then become free after 6 months.

PostPosted: June 25th, 2013, 6:27 pm
by TheAgent308
Then my next question, Whats a reasonable way to price file? That way I don't feel like i'm overcharging (if i would charge)

PostPosted: June 26th, 2013, 12:14 am
by papotik
I read about this : First you need to post files, then once you have post some EMG allow you to price them. I don't remember where i read that, sorry.