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Anyone had success with 'Curse Succubus' by EMG?

PostPosted: October 4th, 2013, 8:53 pm
by maskedanonymity
I've been on hiatus for awhile from WMM, and I just started coming back on occasion, which got me in the mood to start on the Curse Succubus file, since it sounds like loads of fun.
I just wanted to ask if anyone's had any success with it, so I can get an idea if it works as described, with repeated listening of course.

Thanks all around :)

PostPosted: October 5th, 2013, 10:59 am
by Endo
Is this the sleep succubus one? I tried it for a while, and it did something. I'm not sure what. I did have sex with a girl in a dream once, but she wasn't what I imagined. OFC, I've never been able to get a file to work noticeably.

PostPosted: October 5th, 2013, 9:09 pm
by maskedanonymity
Yes it's this one:

I've listened to parts of it once or twice, while not in trance, and it seems like it would be fun, given that it works as described.

Because files like that tend to take awhile to start working, I like to get opinions about it's effectiveness before I sink a lot of time into a file that's ineffectual.

Anyway, given that it's gotten a fairly high rating, I might just take the plunge; it's just 20-30 minutes a day. Plus I've been wanting to hone my ability to trance, which still needs quite a bit of work.

Good to see you back :)

Thanks :)