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Majorpixel (Voice666) Beer & Cigs for Bubba Help

PostPosted: February 17th, 2014, 1:26 pm
by grumblebuzz
Went through a horny drunk phase of wanting to become a beer drinking redneck slob about a year and a half ago and online friend sent me this file. I listened daily for maybe 2-3 weeks and while behavior didn't change for long term, words from the file seemed burned into my brain permanently. Haven't listened to file in over a year but can still recite it almost word for word. Any help getting this out of my brain or am I stuck for good with it?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2014, 2:17 pm
by Alien4420
It could be like an advertising jingle or poem from your childhood. Those things never leave you but with time, you stop thinking about them unless you're reminded. I'm guessing that's what will happen to you unless the file is still at work in your subconscious, trying to get you to obey. Even then it should eventually wear off.

I have a Major Pixel file in me that I listened to only once, but my problem is the opposite -- I don't remember the specifics but a couple of months after I listened I still can't completely shake the effects. The guy is wicked good.

Anyway, if it doesn't just fade from your day-to-day awareness with time, I'd find a hypnotist who's willing to remove it. It won't actually be excised from your brain, memory is permanent, but any compulsions will be lifted, and the memory of the words can be repressed so they remain bottled up in the subconscious mind, for a while, anyway.

PostPosted: February 17th, 2014, 4:16 pm
by grumblebuzz
I feel like maybe my subconcious mind still wants it because when it pops into my head I always get really turned on like clockwork. That's kind of a problem because in my normal every day routine I don't want to be a beer drinkin, chain smokin alcoholic bubba but even now, just typing those words has the full file going through my head over and over and is making me crazy horny. I've never had a file stick with me like this over a year after hearing it.

PostPosted: February 17th, 2014, 4:55 pm
by Alien4420
Sounds like you have to have a hypnotist take it out, then. The only other trick I know is to start listening regularly to a different file -- as your sexual energy coalesces around the new file the old one will sometimes fade.