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Has anyone ever acctually had a file work?

PostPosted: January 8th, 2006, 11:57 pm
by starwars1123
Please be Honest guys, has anyone ever had a file work if so what file and how did you do it. Because I have tried a few dozen files and none have worked yet its starting to frustrate me!

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 5:54 am
by whatthe75
Thats most probably why they are not working. Too many files will just confuse your mind and not work.How long have you listened to each file.Most files will take repetetive listening for quite a while before you notice any effects.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 6:01 am
by Dizzle
You need to relax, have a bath, chill out and clear your mind before you start any of the files.
It is best to play a few times before it will work.
I suggest that before you use any files, play Induction and Deeper to help you get into the trance.
Don't loose patience or heart. Practice makes perfect.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 3:31 pm
by fenton
Yes. I have to agree with the others though... pick one file to start off. something simple is usually best like trig freeze or something where you don't need to visualize but get a physical effect. just my two cents.

PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 9:00 pm
by PhyllisKRue

Absolutely...what the others have said! Even a very good subject has trouble working with multiple trances and triggers all at once. Start slow with only one file, keep it simple, and progress slowly. Relaxation, repetition, and a real desire for on your part for the selected file to work are the keys.

Good Luck & Hang in There!


PostPosted: January 9th, 2006, 9:24 pm
by Hyp-know-fetish
I answered a PM like this from another user not long ago. My response follows. Sorry if it repeats anything, but I believe it's good advice.

I have had some success with the files. I don't prefer the files, but I do get good out of it.

Here are my tips for working with the files:

1. Be patient. Don't expect the files to work right off the bat. You may need to listen repeatedly over the course of a few days for simple files, to weeks or even months for something as complicated as FurryTransformation.

2. Pick times when you feel suggestible. Times when you are normally relaxed, suggestible, or if you are just in the mood for hypnosis are excellent choices for times to listen. Don't do it when frustrated, and most importantly, *never* schedule time for hypnosis. Do it when it feels good to do so.

3. Stick with one or two files at once. Overloading your brain with all sorts of suggestions can cause your mind to reject them all. If you have been mixing and matching, don't worry. Your mind is very forgiving. Give it a rest a short while if need be, then resume when you feel you are ready. You will soon enough be able to gauge when the time is appropriate for trance, and of what kind.

4. Make sure the file you are listening to is one you are willing to abide by. If your subconsious mind won't accept it, then don't bother trying. For example, I'd have serious moral issues with being gay. Out of curiosity I tried to make myself gay for a minute then back. It failed, I'm happy to report.

Basically, just relax, take it smooth. That's what the files want you to do anyway. Good luck! :D

PostPosted: January 10th, 2006, 2:22 am
by Dizzle
Brilliant advice. :)