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Help With Reading?

PostPosted: November 18th, 2014, 2:27 am
by Outsider
Hi, I'm Outsider, and I'm new to the site. I've been browsing the file selection and wondering what to expect from some of these files. What does it mean when there's no duration listed? In those situations, does the Effect: Trigger suffice as the duration? Also, is there any way to access a text file for the audio file and read ahead to see what I'm in store for? Any assistance on these matters is muchly appreciated.

PostPosted: November 18th, 2014, 9:41 am
by Endo
I'm going to assume that you mean the duration is how long the effects last, right? In the case of "trigger", it means that a trigger phrase will be used to start the effects, and another trigger will be used to end those effects. So... maybe. It could depend on the specific file, but any author careless enough to leave out the specific details of their files from the descriptions AND the criteria areas is probably not worth your time.

If you are a premium member, and the file has a text associated with it, then yes. Not many authors will upload their original scripts next to the files, so good luck with that. Alternatively, you could fast-forward through the induction and listen to the body directly. Because you're not in trance, it won't have any real effect on you.