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Missing File (silent trig strip)

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2014, 1:25 pm
by Eldaron
Hello :)

A few months ago I found a audio file in the database wich was a silent sublimial version of EMG's Trig Strip.
Today I looked for it but couldn't find it. I fear that it has been deleted.

Got anyone this file and can help me out?
Thank you in advance

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2014, 7:37 pm
by EMG

Hope that helps.

PostPosted: November 24th, 2014, 1:54 pm
by Eldaron
EMG wrote:

Hope that helps.

Thank you for your answer. This linked file of yours I know very well ;)
A few months ago a member created and uploaded a silent version based on it. That's the one I am looking for... But it seem to be gone.

I hoped, someone grabbed it before it was deleted and could help me out.