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Eating More?

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 1:35 pm
by welsheh
Hi! just wondering if anyone knows of a hypno file that encourages people to eat more, i have an eating disorder which i am working on but in the past have had good experiences with the effects of hypnosis. Only problem is that most files regarding eating seem to be about eating less, whereas i want to eat more! much more!

Any suggestions would be greatly welcomed

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 1:42 pm
by Endo
I highly doubt you'll find what you're looking for on this site.

Try this: It's a subliminal text flasher that runs on your computer and displays over everything else. I usually only recommend this as a reinforcement, perhaps one of our more enthusiastic members would be happy to do a few live sessions with you to establish a baseline to build off of.

Good luck!

PostPosted: January 13th, 2015, 10:27 pm
by JackDrago
Google "fat" There's quite a few options.

PostPosted: January 14th, 2015, 8:09 am
by Endo
Clarification: "I highly doubt that you will find what you are looking for on this site" that isn't overtly sexualized or promotes a healthy body image.

While this site certainly has its share of "fat" files, it doesn't exactly have an "anti-anorexia" file.