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Subliminals while sleeping

PostPosted: March 20th, 2015, 3:42 am
by hfd240
Hi here, I was looking for some advise. I want to use a couple of the subliminal files with ocean sounds that are on this site and was wondering if I could listen to them while I slept And if you thought that it would work. I was going to download them onto my phone and have my phone playing them while I slept. Do you think the phone speakers would be good enough? Also, would they affect my wife that is sleeping next to me? Any thoughts or advisee is welcome. Thanks in advanced

PostPosted: March 28th, 2015, 7:01 am
by Fizbin

First, some here do not accept the validity of subliminal entrainment, so don't let them get you down. :) The rest of this message presumes the validity of the technique, and that the files you have are recorded properly.

Second, yes you can play them at night. While they may or may not have any effect while you are actually sleeping, there is a lot of time while you're in bed that you will not actually be in a true sleep state, and thus may find your mind receptive to the messages. In fact, such states may make a person even more receptive than listening during actively waking periods.

Third, the impact will depend on a lot of factors. For example, a first person male voice talking about subjects in which your wife has no interest, will probably not register with any effect in her subconscious. On the other hand, if recorded in a female first person, or in a third person voice of either gender, there is a pretty good chance that she will have some kind of response.

PostPosted: March 29th, 2015, 8:20 am
by hfd240
Thanks for the reply. So if I were to get a file with a womans voice she could be affected but if I got a file with a males voice she may not be?

PostPosted: March 29th, 2015, 7:40 pm
by Fizbin
It depends on both the content and the presentation. A first person female voice will resonate with her subconscious as if she is talking to herself. A Second/third person voice (for example saying "you/Wifey will X") could have impact regardless of the speaking gender, depending on the topic.

PostPosted: March 31st, 2015, 8:36 am
by hfd240
Ok, great. Thank you for the advice. I'm off to search.

PostPosted: April 18th, 2015, 3:14 am
by browncoatkyle
The following is strictly my opinion only, and assumes the validity of subliminal messages.

Subliminal audio is particularly effective during sleep. During sleep, the brain waves change between various states, but essentially, sleep is when the subconscious is at its most prominent.

I would advise that though the voice gender may have an effect, the content is more important than that. Subliminal audio messages should be phrased in positive terms (the use of the words "no", "not", "never", etc. are not effective). Subliminals should also be in the active tense, and first person or second person, depending on the receptivity of the listener. Some people are more susceptible to first person rather than second person, and vice versa. And yes, the subliminals can influence anyone exposed to them, depending on the person and the content. The effect may or may not be as profound for this person, however. Subliminals cannot influence people to do something they have strong feelings against, or no interest in doing.

Advertisement agencies and marketing specialists know the extreme value of subliminal influence, and the proficient ones have nearly perfected subliminals into an exact science. Of course, their efforts are directed towards the population in general in order to achieve results. The individual requires the subliminal to be more specific to his/her intent.

PostPosted: April 18th, 2015, 3:16 am
by browncoatkyle
Also, briefly, phone speakers will work, but obviously higher quality sound will achieve higher quality results.