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What File can trance

PostPosted: October 9th, 2015, 6:53 pm
by waynemc47
and take you down the deepest? I mean closest to nearly falling into a bottomless pit?

PostPosted: October 9th, 2015, 9:24 pm
by ProfessorPig
many people recommend lutz's bubble induction for that, but i think its very much a your millage may vary thing. if you get down that deep you run the risk of falling asleep.

PostPosted: October 11th, 2015, 1:49 pm
by waynemc47
So,that takes you down the deepest?

PostPosted: October 11th, 2015, 5:38 pm
by JackDrago
It's always going to depend on the subject. Blank and Bubble both work well for a lot of people, but it's always going to vary. My personal favorite is "Fluffy White Cloud" which gets me so hypnotised that I black out most every time.