blanketcross wrote
Also, I don't know how kitties are supposed to act, and the Kitty Conditioning only helps on reinforcing what you do know. Here is a list of characteristics I do know...Says "nya" a lot, likes to purr, meow, drink milk, eat fish, and that's about it. Also the same thing with the Feminine Conditioning file.
I am
not a "cat person". However, a former bf "gave" me a cat. The former bf knew I was allergic to cats (one reason he's a
former bf), but he wanted this recently born purebred white Siamese cat.
I am not an expert, but there are a few more things kittens do: play with things -- bat a ball of yarn or follow a red dot from a laser pointer -- for a while, then get bored and go look for something else to do/play; sleep; come to you when you operate the can opener. Cats more-or-less tolerate humans because we can operate a can opener.
ViVe states in the
Feminine Conditioning file that it is your subconscious's idea of "feminine" behavior --
it doesn’t contain any suggestion as to what behaviours you will adopt –- that’s already in your mind! It will use whatever behaviour you consider feminine and make it more attractive… -- that dictates what feminine traits you adopt. Surely you've been around a few females in your life -- mother, aunts, sisters, female classmates and co-workers -- that have given your subconscious some idea of what it considers "feminine".