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Has anyone had success with Superhumanmind?

PostPosted: March 13th, 2006, 6:29 pm
by jonaustin316
Has anyone had any noticible success with Superhumanmind?

PostPosted: March 13th, 2006, 7:15 pm
by nuit09
i think it may be a rather new file. opinions will vary on whether it will work or not. personally i don't see why not although it makes artificial distinctions between types of "kinesis." { i think i recall that being one objective of that file} Others who do not believe in paranormal abilities of any sort will say it won't do anything.

However it takes a lot of work to get these no frills hypnotic scripts to work for everyone. if you do not trance easily or are psychologically resistant to deeper trance you may have a really hard time with them.

PostPosted: March 14th, 2006, 7:01 am
by jonaustin316
How about Speedlearning?

PostPosted: March 15th, 2006, 11:04 am
by CuriousG
If you're having a hard time with a script, listen to induction and deepening beforehand on your playlist. Sure, it takes longer, but that's better than not working. If a file still doesn't work for you, try less ambitious files (anything that you could do normally just by willpower, such as weight loss, is probably a good start). If those are working, then previous failure is probably not a fault of your own but of the other file you're attempting to listen to.

Naturally, with any file, there's the risk that you're merely hallucinating. For instance the breast growth files may have some physical effect, or not, but their effect on self-image is much greater. I don't personally believe in kinesis, so I'm inclined to think that any effect superhumanmind may have will simply be an augmentation of wishful thinking.