Best file for lower IQ

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Best file for lower IQ

Postby bambi9 » August 8th, 2017, 11:06 am

I really want to work on lowering my IQ and becoming more airheaded and dumber. What have others found to be the best at this? I should also mention I am also trying to refrain from masturbation, so Vive's dumbing down series runs kind if counter to that. I have listened to the files but suspect I'm not getting the full benefit if I'm not pleasuring myself while listening. Hope someone can help. Thanks!
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Joined: July 2nd, 2017, 3:06 pm

Re: Best file for lower IQ

Postby rw789 » August 8th, 2017, 7:17 pm

There was one file on here years ago that I don't see on here anymore.

Otherwise, most other files have added effects tied into them that you may or may not want.
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Re: Best file for lower IQ

Postby bambi9 » August 9th, 2017, 4:15 am

Ill try anything really as long as its on the permanent side. There can be other affects. i may be being a little too picky, but ultimately i won't let that stand in my way.
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Joined: July 2nd, 2017, 3:06 pm

Re: Best file for lower IQ

Postby Feverdream » August 9th, 2017, 6:33 pm

This is something that I find interesting. I have a lot of files in various stages of production, but I'd considered making an IQ lowering file.

Tell me more about what makes this so interesting to you?
How would you want it to make you feel?
What don't you want to hear in it?
Tell me what other files or stories or other related media you especially enjoy. Try to give at least one or two examples, and explain what makes those so very pleasant and effective for you.

No promises. But if I can make something that you might like, then I'd be glad to try.
I don't think I want to accept any more formal commissions than the ones that I've already committed to. I think that a real, honest, effective dumbing down file should be a little bit dangerous though, and I will have to think about the best way to be sure that no one accidentally stumbles into a file like that, unless it was what they really, truly wanted.

Answering questions like the ones above would not only help me understand how to make something you'd want... it would also convince me that you do, indeed, want this to happen to you. If you don't feel comfortable with a public answer, PM is fine.
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