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Change Triggers - Bubble Induction

PostPosted: August 25th, 2018, 2:41 pm
by nmodsis
I have decided to try some hypno files on my sub but, I wanted to change the triggers. I changed the trigger in the file Bubble induction to two words and I said it in my voice. My sub trusts my voice above the files owners. I made sure to only cut the trigger words and blended it well inside the track. Will that change the file enough for it not to work? Will it decrease it's effects?

Re: Change Triggers - Bubble Induction

PostPosted: September 4th, 2018, 2:50 am
by ewi770
Honestly, you never know until you test it. The main concern I'd have is that it might be abrupt/jarring. Let's say, you imagine Morgan Freeman whose got a classic deep narration voice. We'll even throw in a photo of him for you to think of.


Let me tell you a story young man, about when I was just turning into a man. You see, all men go thru a phase where they naturally become aware and intense curious about the opposite sex. We all know it. We've all felt it. We've all been there. Well though, my friend Andy Duprey,
and he was a great friend, while in Prison meet the Twister sisters,

Unfortunately for poor Andy, they were more interested in the same sex than the opposite sex. That boy tried his hardest to fight them off every time but they took him regularly and violently, again and again.

Did it bother you when the story changed from being narrated by Morgan Freeman to pee wee herman?