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File improvement etiquette

PostPosted: August 25th, 2019, 5:05 pm
by soulfiremage
I wish to improve upon a file I paid for, both in script and voice.

I'm hoping to get the creator's blessing. However if not, what is the etiquette if I create a file, that is similar in content but rewritten completely and revoiced by me.

I don't wish to cause issues by doing this, it is merely the core idea of the file really works for me, I just want it in a human voice and expand on the sentence structure etc as well as add binaurals and layers etc.

And re upload it here.

Personality, I'd prefer it to be a pay file attributed back to the artist - it's not my intention to earn money from it.

Re: File improvement etiquette

PostPosted: August 26th, 2019, 7:35 am
by EMG
If the file is a pay file, reposting it would cause problems since it's not your pay file. I would reach out to the author and let them decide if they want to either accept your edit and post it or replace the original. That lets them control their content.

Re: File improvement etiquette

PostPosted: August 26th, 2019, 9:37 am
by Jackstock
Make the edit and then send it to them