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Need some input

PostPosted: October 14th, 2020, 3:47 am
by lego
Hi all,

I've been a long time lover of hypnosis however I have only blacked out a couple times. I've had decent results with light trances but want to get more serious with it. I want to start using Hyper Masculine and lucid dreaming files but I've never really stuck to a schedule of listening to a file daily. I am wondering if I should proper trance training files instead of trying something and eventually getting put off by not seeing results fast enough. I've read tips of how to enter trance and relaxing myself etc. I will welcome more but looking to see if anyone can recommend a good selection of files/triggers/programme that will bring someone down deep to receive suggestions. I'm a lot more organized now so a schedule isn't really a problem. I think properly trancing will make the session much more enjoyable and make it worth sticking through to the end.

Re: Need some input

PostPosted: October 15th, 2020, 2:53 pm
by MN_FriendlyGuy
You've been enjoying recreational hypno recordings for a good long time, Lego.
Your desire for somnambulistic trance... do you actually believe that this desire originates in your conscious mind?

The instinct you're following now... the instinct to seek ways to "make the sessions much more enjoyable"

    Yes! Keep doing that.
Instinct like that doesn't come from the conscious mind, does it?
When the subconscious wants something, it nudges the conscious mind to take action. And that's what you did when you posted your message here, isn't it? You took action in pursuit of something you want.

Now, I'm not going to tell you about schedule changes you're going to make
- and I'm not going to tell about listening changes you're going to make

But I am telling you to keep paying attention to feelings of eager anticipation. When you feel that, it's your subconscious nudging you... and letting you know you're on the right path. And since you've been enjoying hypno for a good long time, Lego, I think you know what it means when there's an absence of anticipation.