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How to remove the curse?

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2021, 10:12 am
by arni
How can I remove the effects of the file «Little Miss Squidgy: Limp» ? Is that possible to get? How can I get it.


Re: How to remove the curse?

PostPosted: April 17th, 2021, 9:15 pm
by EMG
You have 3 options.

1) Stop listening and stay away for a while, that will work in many cases.
2) Try a more generic file like deprogram all
3) buy a curse removal, however it'll be voiced by me as I can't get every author to provide curse removals for their content.

Re: How to remove the curse?

PostPosted: April 17th, 2021, 9:17 pm
by arni
I would like to buy the removal of the "Little Miss Squidgy: Limp"curse. But there is one problem. My English is not very good. Is it possible to make the removal of the curse in Russian. If necessary, I am ready to pay extra for the transfer.

Re: How to remove the curse?

PostPosted: April 17th, 2021, 9:20 pm
by arni
I would like to buy the removal of the "Little Miss Squidgy: Limp"curse. But there is one problem. My English is not very good. Is it possible to make the removal of the curse in Russian. If necessary, I am ready to pay extra for the transfer.


Re: How to remove the curse?

PostPosted: April 18th, 2021, 8:39 am
by EMG
Unfortunately I do not speak Russian so I cannot accommodate that. Your best bet is probably just to stop listening.